1 高效液相色谱法测定美诺平胶囊中丹参素的含量作者:吕洁孟祥军邹春阳武静【摘要】目的:测定美诺平胶囊中丹参素的含量方法。方法:采用 HPLC 法, 色谱柱: Diamonsil C18 ( 250 × ,5μm); 流动相: 甲醇-水-二甲基甲酰胺- 冰醋酸( 2:95:2:1 ) ;流速: ;检测波长: 281nm 。结果: 丹参素钠浓度在 ~ , 浓度与峰面积线性关系良好(r=) 。平均回收率为 % , RSD 为 %(n=9), 方法的精密度、稳定性及重现性良好。结论:本试验所确定的质量分析方法简便, 快速准确, 可作为美诺平胶囊的质控标准。【关键词】美诺平胶囊丹参素钠高效液相色谱法( HPLC ) Study on the Quality Standard of MEinuoping Capsules 【 Abasract 】 Objective: To determination the content of 2 Danshensu in MEInuoping Capsules by HPLC. Methods : HPLC with Diamonsil C18 ( 250 × ,5μm) column was -water-dimethylformamide-acetic acid(2:95:2:1) asa mobile phase, flow rate was and detection wavelength at : The method had good linear realationship with in the rage of ~ of Danshensu, the correlation coefficient(r) was . The average recovery rate was % , RSD was %(n=9). The method is suitable for the formulate of the quality standard with sufficient accuracy 、 stability and reappearance. Conclusion: The method is simpie 、 fast and accurate. It can be used for quality control of Meinuoping Capsules. 【 Key words 】 Meinuoping Capsules ; Danshensu ; HPLC 美诺平胶囊系在已有颗粒基础上通过改变剂型制得的中成药制剂[1] 。本胶囊由白花蛇舌草、丹参、金银花、连翘、地黄、牡丹皮、赤芍、黄芩、桑白皮、石膏、皂角刺、防风、甘草十三味药材经提取加工制成, 其组方合理, 疗效确切。本品具有清热解毒, 凉血散瘀的作用, 主要用于肺热血瘀所致寻常型痤疮[2] 。为严格控制 3 本品质量, 保证临床用药安全有效, 根据美诺平颗粒国家标