调用方法说明(Call method specification) C# code first import DLL Add reference - > COM - > ThunderAgent 1 Type Library (if s download thread number, range 1-10, default to -1, express by thunder processing, optional parameter Three, the development of the document thunderbolt Get information BSTR Getlnfo (BSTR plnfoName) Features: access to thunder or platform related information Parameter: Parameter name Meaning PlnfoName There are 4 kinds of information names "ThunderExists”: if there is thunder "ThunderRunning”: the thunder is running ThunderVersion”: Thunder version number "PlatformVersion”: platform version number Return value: the return value is a string, corresponding to the parameter plnfoName parameter Return value "ThunderExists."" "True" exists, and "false" does not exist "ThunderRunning."" "True" is running while false is not running "ThunderVersion."" Thunder version number ". x. x"” "PlatformVersion. Platform version number ". x"” HRESULT GetlnfoStruct (INT plnfo) Function: get all information related to thunder or platform Parameter: Parameter name Meaning PInfo In fact, the THUNDERINFO type structure pointer is converted to INT type before calling, and the platform information is defined as follows after invoking the structure: Typedef struct THUNDERINFO { BOOL bThunderExists: BOOL bThunderRunning: CHAR szThunderVersion[32]; CHAR szPlatformVersion[32]; ) THUNDER_INFO; After the function call, the structure will be filled with the corresponding information. Return value: Zero Achieve success 0 Get failed Task operation join the mission HRESULT AddTask (BSTR pURL, BSTR pFileName BSTR pPath BSTR pComments BSTR pReferURL INT nStartMode = -1, INT nOnlyFromOrigin = 0, INT nOriginThreadCount = -1); Function: Add download task information to the platform, which has not yet been reflected in the thunder Parameter: Parameter name Meaning PURL Target URL must have arguments PFileName Save name,