山西大同大学 本科生毕业设计 中文题目:大同煤矿集团T旦宝源煤业有限公司9万■煤开米设计 革 昱页目:No. 9 coal minins of Datong Coal Mine Group, Heng Bao 学 Yuan Coesign and production capacity of the coal mine of Heng Bao source mine is 900 thousand t/a and the service life is 24 years. For the first level of the first zone of the Heng Bao source mine, the first level of the mine car transportation scheme is designed for the opening of the shaft. The mining method in the first mining area is based on the geological conditions and economic safety. The vertical longwall mining method is adopted and the mechanized mining technology is applied to the coal face. The auxiliary transportation system can be used as the main transport equipment during the early construction of the well or during the edge construction. After the completion of the later completion of the system, the auxiliary system can be used as an auxiliary system for the belt transportation. Transportation, the number of intermediate reversing and convenient transportation, can be directly from the bottom of the shaft to the coal mining face of the mine ventilation by the central convenient ventilation. In mine hoisting, the main shaft is conveyer by belt, and the auxiliary shaft is lifted by cage. The working face is 200m long, 3 days in advance, and three days in the form of quasi one. The annual working days are 276 days. The backface mining sequence is adopted in the working face, and all the caving methods are used in the goaf. In a word, through the analysis of the geological conditions and the technical and economic conditions and safety of the mine construction, the design and mining methods can meet the mining needs of the mine. Key wo r d s: vertical shaft de velopment ;bel ttype; low gas mine. 1 井田概述及井田地质特征 1 井田概述 1 井田的地理位置 1 1. 2 交通 2 1. 1. 3 地形地貌 2 1. 1. 4 气象、水文 2 2 井田地质特征 4 . 1 井田的地层 4 1. 2. 2 地质构造 5 含水层 7 设计煤层特征 7 1. 3. 1 煤层埋藏条件 7 煤层的围岩性质 7 3. 3 煤的特征 8 2井田储量和服务年限 10 1 矿井工业储量 10 1. 1 煤厚 10 2. 资