Advances in Environmental Protection 环境保护前沿, 2011, 1, 7-12 doi:.12002 Published Online December 2011 (rnal/aep) A Study on Sustainable Development of Yancheng Coastal Wetland Ecosystem Xiaobin Bao Rural Development Institute, Chinese Academy of Social Sciences, Beijing Email: ****** Received: Sep. 8th, 2011; revised: Oct. 9th, 2011; accepted: Oct. 12th, 2011. Abstract: Based on the natural resources and socio -economic situation on Yancheng coastal regions, the wet-land ecosystem was diagnosed. By the field surveys and stakeholder interviews, the service functions of coastal wetland ecosystem were identified and classified in values. By means parative study and substantial study, the service values of wetland ecosystem were quantitatively and qualitatively evaluated. The different service values of wetland ecosystem were estimated. In the light of the quantitative service value of wetland ecosystem under different stages and management modes, the losses and benefits of wetland ecosystem service functions were analysed in order to reflect the changes of wetland ecosystem service level. In last, the policy -mendations on sustainable development of Yancheng coastal wetland ecosystem were given. Keywords: Wetland Ecosystem; Service Functions; Economic Values; Coastal Regions; Yancheng 盐城滨海湿地生态系统的可持续发展研究包晓斌中国社会科学院农村发展研究所,北京 Email: ****** 收稿日期: 2011 年9月8 日;修回日期: