Integrated Course Book 2 Unit 5 Listen to the recording two or three times and then think over the following questions: 1. What happened to the singer? 2. What helped her pull through all the hardships she suffered? 3. What is the tone of the song? 4. Is the song related to the theme of the unit -- ing obstacles? Often it is in ing hardship that e to appreciate the value of life. Gloria Estefan wrote this song when she was recovering from a serious road accident that had left her badly injured and near to death. She sings of the hard struggle she had to recover her health: Up to now for me it's been hands against stone and of the search to find something that would give meaning to her life: Spent each and every moment Searching for what to believe. But now she is beginning to get better; she can see light at the end of the tunnel. As she says: Coming out of the dark, I finally see the light now It's shining on me. It has been a tough road to recovery, but one made easier by the presence of her loved ones: ...I have felt you Near all the way as she tells them. Ahead life holds out the promise of a new beginning, for: Starting again is part of the plan. She looks forward to this happy in the knowledge that she is loved and cared for. For she feels that with love you can stand up to anything. As she sings: Forever, forever I stand on the rock of your love Love is all it takes, no matter what we face. Now let's listen to her as she sings her ing Out of the Dark. Coming Out of the Dark Gloria Estefan Why be afraid if I'm not alone Though life is never easy the rest in unknown Up to now for me it's been hands against stone Spent each and every moment Searching for what to believe (chorus) Coming out of the dark, I finally see the light now It's shinning on me Coming out of the dark, I know the love that saved me You're sharing with me Starting again is part of the plan And I'll be so m