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presentation开始白 Morning everyone! Today we"ll have a talk about dream and success in America.
presentation开始白 Morning everyone! Today we"ll have a talk about dream and success in America.
Everybody has his or her own dream and standard of being a successful man, but they are not actually the same because of different background and life experience and sex.
There we have made an investigation about the topic. Let"s have a look at the video.
OK! It looks as though different people have different opinion about being a successful man, and maybe they are always dreaming of achieving success at an early age.
The American Dream is a book about American dream written by a famous journalist Dan Rather, published in 2002. He provided many stories of ordinary men and women acplishing the extraordinary.
You know America is an integrated country with a history only more than 200 years. After the continent was discovered by Europe, people all over the world came here to search for their own dream. American culture lay emphasize on individuals' value: self first, personal need first. So pursue of individual benefit and enjoyment, emphasize on achieving individual value by self-strive and self-design was highly respected. That is to say they usually have an ambition or desire to gain something they need. If they gain this, they would co

presentation开场白 来自淘豆网m.daumloan.com转载请标明出处.

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  • 页数1
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  • 上传人卢卡斯123
  • 文件大小15 KB
  • 时间2022-07-29