ANNEX E PARTNERSHIP AGREEMENT This is a suggested template agreement. It must be negotiated between partners and tailored to each project partnership’s individual needs. Agreement for Project Partners Concerning the Partnership FOR THE IMPLEMENTATION OF THE [insert project name] PROJECT Within the framework of the PEACE III Programme: Between the following partners: LEAD PARTNER 1. [Name & Address] Represented by: PROJECT PARTNERS 2. [Name & Address] Represented by: 3. [Name & Address] Represented by: 4. [Name & Address] Represented by: PLEASE CONTINUE TO ADD PARTNERS AS APPROPRIATE Article 1: Project Objectives The project [title] conducted based on the Cross-Border Territorial Co-operation Programme for Northern Ireland, the Border Counties of Ireland and Western Scotland 2007-2013, hereafter referred to as the Peace III Programme – INSERT / DELECT AS APPROPRIATE] shall contribute to the objectives set out in the Operational Programme. The project objectives are as follows: Insert Objectives Article 2: Subject of the Partnership Agreement By the present Partnership Agreement, the Lead Partner and the project partners shall define the rules of procedure for the work to be carried out and the relations that shall govern them within the cross-border partnership set up in order plete the aforementioned project. The Partnership Agreement is a secondary document in that it must be read subject to the Letter of Offer and the Standard Conditions of Grant. The content of the Letter of Offer and the Standard Conditions will override anything to the contrary in the Partnership Agreement. The terms of reference of the project are indicated in the annexes. The prise: The Letter of Offer signed by the BA or CRC on behalf of the CONSORTIUM and co-signed by the Lead Partner dated [date] The Project Work Plan with its time schedule and detailed budget included in the finalised Application Form as received by the Consortium and re