® 世界华人消化杂志 2009年3月8日; 17(7): 720-723
wcjd@ ISSN 1009- 14-1260/R
王峰, 牟培源, 周宁新, 周丁华, 白媛媛
■背景资料王峰, 辽宁医学院院外硕士培养点中国人民解放军北京二 diameter with the mean size of cm. Hepatitis
炮总医院北京市 100088
射频消融是近年 B positive was diagnosed preoperatively in 14
来开展的高效微王峰, 牟培源, 周宁新, 周丁华, 白媛媛, 中国人民解放军二
创的肿瘤治疗新炮总医院全军肝胆胃肠病医学专科中心北京市 100088 patients, and hepatitis C positive in 2 patients.
作者贡献分布: 此课题由导师牟培源与王峰共同设计; 研究过程
技术, 在肝脏恶性 There were sixteen patients with liver cirrhosis
由牟培源, 王峰, 周宁新, 周丁华及白媛媛实施完成; 本论文撰写
肿瘤的治疗方面由王峰与牟培源完成. and thirteen patients with chronic calculous
取得了较好的疗通讯作者: 牟培源, 100088, 北京市西城区新外大街16号, 中国 cholecystitis. One lesion was found in 14 pa-
效, 腹腔镜超声和人民解放军二炮总医院肝胆胃肠病研究所. pymu@
经皮超声引导下电话: 010-66343097 tients, two lesions in 3 patients, three lesions in 4
射频消融治疗肝收稿日期: 2008-12-17 修回日期: 2009-02-21 patients, and dotty lesions in 4 patients. A1l pa-
癌优势各有所长, 接受日期: 2009-02-23 在线出版日期: 2009-03-08 tients were followed up with puted
联合应用对患者 tomographie (CT) scan and ultrasonography.
bined application of
发症较低. RESULTS: Laparoscopic RFA therapy was per-
laparoscopic ultrasonography formed essfully in 25 bined with
and percutaneous 1aparoscopic ultrasonography, and 4 patients ex-
ultrasonography in perienced 1oca1 recurrence at the ablation site, 3
radiofrequency ablation for patients had a new malign
腹腔镜超声和经皮超声在肝癌射频消融治疗中的联合应用 来自淘豆网m.daumloan.com转载请标明出处.