第 37 卷第 2 期 Vol. 37 No. 2
2015 年 4 月 Earthquake Resistant Engineering and Retrofitting Apr. 2015
[文章编号] 1002-8412( 2015) 02-0052-06 DOI: 10. 16226 /j. issn. 1002 - 8412. 2015. 02. 009
吴荣桂1 ,焦驰宇2 ( , ; ,
1. 北京新桥技术发展有限公司北京 100088 2. 北京建筑大学北京市城市交通基础设施建设工程
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技术研究中心北京 100044
[提要] 采用有限元分析方法建立了以三跨连续箱梁桥为典型城市立交桥的分析型地震易损性模型。以规范反应谱作
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为目标谱生成 10 条人工地震波作为地震动输入。利用恒载轴力下墩柱的弯矩曲率全曲线计算获得墩柱的不同损伤状态和
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[关键词] 桥梁易损性; 有限元模型; 支座损伤指标; 超越损伤概率; 地震易损性曲线
[中图分类号] U448. 17 [文献标识码] A
Analysis of Seismic Vulnerability in City Overpass Considering Bearing Damage
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Wu Rong-gui Jiao Chi-yu 1. Beijing Xinqiao Technology Development Co. Ltd Beijing 100088 China 2. BUCEA Beijing
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Urban Transportation Infrastructure Engineering Technology Research Center Beijing 100044 China
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Abstract Using the finite element method an earthquake vulnerability analytical model of a three-span continuous girder bridge is
established as a typical urban overpass. The standardized response spectrum is regarded as the target spectrum 10 artificial seismic waves
are generated as ground motion input. Using moment curvature curve of pier under axial constant load and the piers’different damage
考虑支座损伤的城市立交桥地震易损性分析 来自淘豆网m.daumloan.com转载请标明出处.