Wild Justice Wild Justice Ruth M. Sprague 1 Wild Justice AUTHOR'S NOTE It is no accident that women continue to earn less than men. Nowhere is this more evident than in the testosterone temples of academia. Here, the ceiling is made of plexiglass. Although more women are allowed in the classrooms and even into the board rooms, decisions are still made in the men's rooms. More women obtain advanced degrees and achieve faculty positions, but few are allowed into the highest administrative positions. Rather, they are found in greatest numbers in the lower paying, most labor intensive positions. Civil Rights laws pliance with federal grants are blatantly ignored or creatively circumvented by many institutes of higher learning. The courts and the EEOC, weakened to the point of extinction by the regressive administrations of the eighties, are about as effective as warm spit in pliance. Using the double edged sword of coercion and harassment, these institutions of "higher learning" continue to maintain their status quo. This book portrays a few of the artifices they employ. Characters, descriptions and locations are fictional, created from the right side of the author's brain. 2 Wild Justice DEDICATION In fondest memory of LEAH RUTH DENTON, this book is dedicated to all WOMANKIND AND HER SUPPORTERS who refuse to accept the definitions and limitations imposed by ancient conquerors. 3 Wild Justice ABOUT THE AUTHOR Ruth M. Sprague, ., a native Vermonter known to hundreds of her former students as Dr. Ruth, is retired after many years teaching nursing and medical students. She has published several scientific papers, teaching tutorials and one novel, VERMONT TALES FOR FOOLS AND OTHER LOVERS. "Revenge is a kind of wild justice." --Francis Bacon 4 Wild Justice Foreplay "You can't be serious," exclaimed Diana Trenchant, leaning toward the man sitting behind the desk. "Incredible! Why on earth would I want to fil