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simple adaptive and robust control for a class of time-varying systems-论文
simple adaptive and robust control for a class of time-varying systems-论文.pdf

Dmitry N. Gerasimov et al. / IFAC-PapersOnLine 48-11 (2015) 511–516Preprints, 1st IFAC Conference ...

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simple adaptive control - a stable direct model reference adaptive control methodology - brief survey-论文
simple adaptive control - a stable direct model reference adaptive control methodology - brief survey-论文.pdf


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simple adaptive control for positioning of pneumatic cylinder with adverse stick-slip-论文
simple adaptive control for positioning of pneumatic cylinder with adverse stick-slip-论文.pdf

IFAC Workshop on Adaptation and Learning in Control andSignal Processing, and IFAC Workshop on Perio...

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simple adaptive control with a parallel pensator for processes with time delay-论文
simple adaptive control with a parallel pensator for processes with time delay-论文.pdf

Copyright ? IFAC System Identification, Kitakyushu,Fukuoka,Japan, 1997SIMPLE ADAPTIVE CONTROL WITH A...

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simple level control equipment for visualising basic control principles参考-论文
simple level control equipment for visualising basic control principles参考-论文.pdf

Copyright ? IFAC Advances in Control Education ELSEVIEROulu, Finland,...

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simple model plex bursting dynamics in works of neuronal cultures参考-论文
simple model plex bursting dynamics in works of neuronal cultures参考-论文.pdf

6th IFAC International Workshop on Periodic Control Systems6th IFAC International Workshop on Period...

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simple model-based pid autotuners with rapid relay identification参考-论文
simple model-based pid autotuners with rapid relay identification参考-论文.pdf

Copyright (c) 2005 IFAC. All rights reserved16th Triennial World Congress, Prague, Czech RepublicSIM...

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simple models for model-based portfolio load balancing controller synthesis参考-论文
simple models for model-based portfolio load balancing controller synthesis参考-论文.pdf

Simple Models for Model-based PortfolioLoad Balancing Controller SynthesisKristian Edlund ? Tommy M...

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simple proofs of some theorems on noiseless channels参考-论文
simple proofs of some theorems on noiseless channels参考-论文.pdf

Evaluation Warning : The document was created with Spire.PDF for .NET.INFORMATION AND CONTROL 14,...

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simple protocol for population (sanger) sequencing for zika virus genomic regions参考-论文
simple protocol for population (sanger) sequencing for zika virus genomic regions参考-论文.pdf

196 Abstracts / International Journal of Infectious Diseases ...

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simple realization of integral fuzzy control for isolated ahpfc converters参考-论文
simple realization of integral fuzzy control for isolated ahpfc converters参考-论文.pdf

Proceedings of the 17th World CongressThe International Federation of Automatic ControlSeoul, Korea,...

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simple robust controllers design, tuning and analysis参考-论文
simple robust controllers design, tuning and analysis参考-论文.pdf

Copyright ? 2002 IFAC15th Triennial World Congress, Barcelona, Spainwww.elsevier.com/locate/ifacSIMP...

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simple shear forging as a method for severe plastic deformation-论文
simple shear forging as a method for severe plastic deformation-论文.pdf

International Journal of Lightweight Materials and Manufacture 4 (2021) 165e178Contents lists availa...

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stochastic design optimization for a simple 2-d aerofoil参考-论文
stochastic design optimization for a simple 2-d aerofoil参考-论文.pdf

Copyright ? IFAC Large Scale Systems,Rio Patras, Greece, 1998STOCHASTIC DESIGN OPTIMIZATIONFOR A SIM...

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战略管理理论体系的基本框架 1 simple
战略管理理论体系的基本框架 1 simple.pptx

第一章 战略管理理论体系的基本框架1.1 战略管理的内涵1.2 战略管理的过程1.3 战略管理的利益相关者11/2...

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ten simple rules for describing a new (parasite) species-论文
ten simple rules for describing a new (parasite) species-论文.pdf

International Journal for Parasitology: Parasites and Wildlife 2 (2013) 152–154Contents lists avail...

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the equivalence problem and correctness formulas for a simple class of programs-论文
the equivalence problem and correctness formulas for a simple class of programs-论文.pdf

Evaluation Warning : The document was created with Spire.PDF for .NET.INFORMATION AND ...

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the product of two simple sets effective in a faber region-论文
the product of two simple sets effective in a faber region-论文.pdf


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two-dimensional packing expected performance of simple level algorithms-论文
two-dimensional packing expected performance of simple level algorithms-论文.pdf

Evaluation Warning : The document was created with Spire.PDF for .NET.INFORMATION ANn CONTROL 45, 1-...

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vision-based mobile robot localization with simple artificial landmarks-论文
vision-based mobile robot localization with simple artificial landmarks-论文.pdf

Copyright ? IFAC Robot Control, Wroclaw, Poland, 2003 ELSEVIERIFACPUBLICATIO...

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