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simple and accurate model of简单准确地模型
simple and accurate model of简单准确地模型.pdf

Simple and accurate model of fracture toughness of solidsHaiyang Niu1,? Shiwei Niu2,? and Artem R. O...

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Super Simple Songs Three Lyrics and Actions2. Hello HelloHello, hello. (Wave one hand, then the oth...

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recognizing simple-triangle graphs by restricted 2-chain subgraph cover论文
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Discrete Applied Mathematics 279 (2020) 154–167Contents lists available at ScienceDirectDiscrete Ap...

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reductive alkylation of aminofluorans a simple route to intrinsically thermochromic fluorans论文
reductive alkylation of aminofluorans a simple route to intrinsically thermochromic fluorans论文.pdf

Dyes and Pigments 99 (2013) 432e439Contents lists available at SciVerse ScienceDirectDyes and Pigmen...

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simple models for studying complex spatiotemporal patterns of animal behavior论文
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Deep-Sea Research II 140 (2017) 193–202Contents lists available at ScienceDirectDeep-Sea Research I...

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simple and efficient stratification of invasive bladder cancer patients论文
simple and efficient stratification of invasive bladder cancer patients论文.pdf

EBioMedicine 12 (2016) 6–7Contents lists available at ScienceDirectEBioMedicinejournal homepage: ...

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structurally simple oleds based on a new fluorinated poly(oxindolylidenearylene)论文
structurally simple oleds based on a new fluorinated poly(oxindolylidenearylene)论文.pdf

Dyes and Pigments 173 (2020) 107989Contents lists available at ScienceDirectDyes and Pigmentsjournal...

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a simple synthetic approach for the transformation of (s)-ugi's amine
a simple synthetic approach for the transformation of (s)-ugi's amine.pdf

:. //: 一’,一’. —....

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some simple spike separation techniques for simultaneously recorded neurons论文
some simple spike separation techniques for simultaneously recorded neurons论文.pdf

94 Electroencephalography and Clinical Neuroph3,slolog...

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super-simple group divisible designs with block size 4 and index 5论文
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Discrete Mathematics 309 (2009) 5111–5119Contents lists available at ScienceDirectDiscrete Mathemat...

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systems-synthetic biology in understanding the complexities and simple devices in immunology论文
systems-synthetic biology in understanding the complexities and simple devices in immunology论文.pdf

Cytokine 108 (2018) 60–66Contents lists available at ScienceDirectCytokinejournal homepage: www...

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simple screening tests for peripheral neuropathy in the diabetes clinic论文
simple screening tests for peripheral neuropathy in the diabetes clinic论文.pdf

s270Poster Session 2QTcI prolongation (p440 ...

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简单回归分析 simple linear regressionPPT学习教案
简单回归分析 simple linear regressionPPT学习教案.pptx

会计学1简单回归分析 simple linear regressionindependent variabledependent variablexyregression coeff...

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a simple approach to measure transmissibility and forecast incidence外文
a simple approach to measure transmissibility and forecast incidence外文.pdf

Epidemics 22 (2018) 29–35Contents lists available at ScienceDirectEpidemics

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a simple model of globalization, schooling and skill acquisition外文
a simple model of globalization, schooling and skill acquisition外文.pdf

European Economic Review 71 (2014) 209–227Contents lists available at ScienceDirectEuropean Econom...

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a simple, dynamic, hydrological model for mesotidal salt marshes外文
a simple, dynamic, hydrological model for mesotidal salt marshes外文.pdf

Estuarine, Coastal and Shelf Science 233 (2020) 106486Contents lists available at ScienceDirectEstua...

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a design method of robust stabilizing simple multi-period repetitive controllers论文
a design method of robust stabilizing simple multi-period repetitive controllers论文.pdf

Proceedings of the 17th World CongressThe International Federation of Automatic ControlSeoul, Korea,...

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a simple, effective position control strategy for flexible systems论文
a simple, effective position control strategy for flexible systems论文.pdf

Copyright <0 IFAC Mechatronic Systems, IFACCalifornia, U...

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a simple test for stability of continuous bivariate polynomials论文
a simple test for stability of continuous bivariate polynomials论文.pdf


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a simple proof of the decipherability criterion of sardinas and patterson论文
a simple proof of the decipherability criterion of sardinas and patterson论文.pdf

INFORMATION AND CONTROL 6, 331-336 (1963)A Simple Proof of the Decipherability Criterionof Sardi...

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a simple neuro automatic voltage regulator for power systems论文
a simple neuro automatic voltage regulator for power systems论文.pdf

Copyright ? IFAC Automatic Systems for Building the Infrastructure ELSEVIERin Developing ...

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a simple multi-objective control for cascaded hydro power plants论文
a simple multi-objective control for cascaded hydro power plants论文.pdf

Proceedings of the 18th World CongressThe International Federation of Automatic ControlMilano (Italy...

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a simple method for orthogonal polynomial approximation of linear time-varying system gramians论文
a simple method for orthogonal polynomial approximation of linear time-varying system gramians论文.pdf

7th IFAC Symposium on System Structure and Control7th IFAC Symposium on System Structure and Control...

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a simple improvement of interval asymptotic observers for biotechnological processes论文
a simple improvement of interval asymptotic observers for biotechnological processes论文.pdf

Preprints of the 5th IFAC Symposium on Robust Control Design ROCOND06, Toulouse, Fra...

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a simple and effective active seat suspension for agricultural vehicles论文
a simple and effective active seat suspension for agricultural vehicles论文.pdf

Copyright 10 IFAC Control Applications and Ergonomicsin Agriculture, Athens, Greece, 1998A SIMPLE AN...

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control of nonholonomic systems a simple stabilizing time-switching strategy论文
control of nonholonomic systems a simple stabilizing time-switching strategy论文.pdf

Copyright (c) 2005 IFAC. All rights reserved16th Triennial World Congress, Prague, Czech RepublicCON...

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cooperative and noncooperative behaviors at a simple urban intersection论文
cooperative and noncooperative behaviors at a simple urban intersection论文.pdf


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experimental control of a simple robot subject to impacts论文
experimental control of a simple robot subject to impacts论文.pdf

Copyright l IF AC Lagmngian and Hamiltoni an Methods fo r IFACNonl inear Con...

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fast triangulation of the plane with respect to simple polygons论文
fast triangulation of the plane with respect to simple polygons论文.pdf

INFORMAr]oN AYD COYTROL 64, 52 76 (1985)Fast Triangulation of the Plane withRespect ...

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frequency- and time-domain analysis of a simple pipeline system论文
frequency- and time-domain analysis of a simple pipeline system论文.pdf

Frequency- and Time-Domain Analysisof a Simple Pipeline SystemKrzysztof Bartecki ?? Opole University...

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inverse of simple sets of polynomials effective in a faber region论文
inverse of simple sets of polynomials effective in a faber region论文.pdf


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a simple approach to optimum pool size for pooled sars-cov-2 testing论文
a simple approach to optimum pool size for pooled sars-cov-2 testing论文.pdf

International Journal of Infectious Diseases 100 (2020) 324–326Contents lists available at Science...

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less than human simple adaptive trading agents for cda markets论文
less than human simple adaptive trading agents for cda markets论文.pdf

Copyright (ji) IFAC Computation in Economics, Finance andEngineering: Economic Systems, Cambridge, U...

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a simple model for puffingmicro-explosions in water-fuel emulsion droplets论文
a simple model for puffingmicro-explosions in water-fuel emulsion droplets论文.pdf

International Journal of Heat and Mass Transfer 131 (2019) 815–821Contents lists available at Scien...

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new simple adaptive control algorithms in case of arbitrary relative degree论文
new simple adaptive control algorithms in case of arbitrary relative degree论文.pdf

Copyright ? IFAC Adaptive Systems in Control andSignal Processing. Glasgow. Scotland. UK. 1998NEW SI...

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note on the real forms of a simple lie algebra论文
note on the real forms of a simple lie algebra论文.pdf


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on iterative feedback tuning and disturbance rejection using simple noise models论文
on iterative feedback tuning and disturbance rejection using simple noise models论文.pdf

Copyright (c) 2005 IFAC. All rights reserved16th Triennial World Congress, Prague, Czech RepublicON ...

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Pleasure Group Office【T985AB-B866SYT-B182C-BS682T-STT18】乘法心算速算方法法乘法心算速算法 (完...

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simple and cost-effective biomonitoring method for assessing pollution in tropical african rivers资料
simple and cost-effective biomonitoring method for assessing pollution in tropical african rivers资料.pdf

Open Journal of Ecology, 2021, 11, 407-436https://www.scirp.org/journal/ojeISSN Online: 2162-1993

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simple 3d printed stainless steel microreactors for online mass spectrometric analysis论文
simple 3d printed stainless steel microreactors for online mass spectrometric analysis论文.pdf

Heliyon 5 (2019) e02002Contents lists available at ScienceDirectHeliyonjournal homepage: www.heliy...

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《算法8:枚举算法》执教 信息科技 施红蕾一、 教材分析教学内容节选自华师大版教材第二册第二册第二章...

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Simple ERP幕墙行业解决方案第一部分Simple公司介绍第二部分幕墙行业特点与Simple ERP主要模块第三部分Simp...

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Evaluation Warning: The document was created with Spire.Doc for .NET.乘法心算速算方法法D3333×3333=1...

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Suppose we are comparing implementations of insertion sort and merge sort on the same machine. For i...

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a simple method to determine inhibitory activity of xanthine oxidase in vivo-论文
a simple method to determine inhibitory activity of xanthine oxidase in vivo-论文.pdf

Copyright 1982. Production and Hosting by Elseiver B.V. On behalf of Japanese Pharmacological Socie...

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企业战略环境分析 3(下)simple
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第三章 企业战略环境分析(下)3.1 总体环境和行业环境的战略分析3.2 企业外部与行业战略环境分析技术3.3 企业...

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1乘法心算速算法 (完整版)-世界之大,无奇不有,数学运算,奥妙无穷。算法探秘,妙趣横生,激励人们...

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p-266 a simple assay of hydroperoxide levels in oxidatively modified lipoproteins-论文
p-266 a simple assay of hydroperoxide levels in oxidatively modified lipoproteins-论文.pdf

Copyright 1997. Production and Hosting by Elseiver B.V. On behalf of Japanese Pharmacological Socie...

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simple adaptive control with a parallel pensator for processes with time delay-论文
simple adaptive control with a parallel pensator for processes with time delay-论文.pdf

Copyright ? IFAC System Identification, Kitakyushu,Fukuoka,Japan, 1997SIMPLE ADAPTIVE CONTROL WITH A...

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simple continuous-time identification method for pid controlled crushing plant processes参考-论文
simple continuous-time identification method for pid controlled crushing plant processes参考-论文.pdf

IFAC Workshop on Automation in theMining, Mineral and Metal IndustriesSeptember 10-12, 2012. Gifu, J...

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simple image set of max-min linear mappings参考-论文
simple image set of max-min linear mappings参考-论文.pdf

Copyright ? IFAC System Structure and Control, IFACPrague, Czech Repu...

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simple level control equipment for visualising basic control principles参考-论文
simple level control equipment for visualising basic control principles参考-论文.pdf

Copyright ? IFAC Advances in Control Education ELSEVIEROulu, Finland,...

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simple lyapunov sampling for event-driven control参考-论文
simple lyapunov sampling for event-driven control参考-论文.pdf

Proceedings of the 18th World CongressThe International Federation of Automatic ControlMilano (Italy...

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simple matrix languages with a leftmost restriction参考-论文
simple matrix languages with a leftmost restriction参考-论文.pdf

INFORMATION AND CONTROL 23, 128-139 (1973)Simple Matrix Languages with a Leftmost RestrictionH. A. M...

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simple model-based pid autotuners with rapid relay identification参考-论文
simple model-based pid autotuners with rapid relay identification参考-论文.pdf

Copyright (c) 2005 IFAC. All rights reserved16th Triennial World Congress, Prague, Czech RepublicSIM...

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simple protocol for population (sanger) sequencing for zika virus genomic regions-论文
simple protocol for population (sanger) sequencing for zika virus genomic regions-论文.pdf

196 Abstracts / International Journal of Infectious Diseases ...

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simple protocol for population (sanger) sequencing for zika virus genomic regions参考-论文
simple protocol for population (sanger) sequencing for zika virus genomic regions参考-论文.pdf

196 Abstracts / International Journal of Infectious Diseases ...

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simple proofs of some theorems on noiseless channels参考-论文
simple proofs of some theorems on noiseless channels参考-论文.pdf

INFORMATION AND CONTROL 14, 285-298 (1969)Simple Proofs of Some Theorems onNoiseless Chann...

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simple robust and adaptive tracking control for mobile robots参考-论文
simple robust and adaptive tracking control for mobile robots参考-论文.pdf

Anton A. Pyrkin et al. / IFAC-PapersOnLine 48-11 (2015) 143–149Preprints, 1st IFAC Conference on Mo...

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ten simple rules for describing a new (parasite) species-论文
ten simple rules for describing a new (parasite) species-论文.pdf

International Journal for Parasitology: Parasites and Wildlife 2 (2013) 152–154Contents lists avail...

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the equivalence problem and correctness formulas for a simple class of programs-论文
the equivalence problem and correctness formulas for a simple class of programs-论文.pdf

INFORMATIONAND CONTROL65, 1841 (1985)The Equivalence Problem and CorrectnessForm...

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the product of two simple sets effective in a faber region-论文
the product of two simple sets effective in a faber region-论文.pdf


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the windup problem in repetitive control a simple anti-windup strategy-论文
the windup problem in repetitive control a simple anti-windup strategy-论文.pdf


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transverse vaginal septum managed by simple flap surgery technique a case report-论文
transverse vaginal septum managed by simple flap surgery technique a case report-论文.pdf

International Journal of Surgery Case Reports 83 (2021) 105990Contents lists available at ScienceDir...

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实用算法(基础算法-递推法)2———————————————————————————————— 作者:——...

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pt259 simple anchoring method in surgical correction of buried penis论文
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Abstracts EAU20 Virtual Congress and Theme WeekPT259 Simple anchoring method in surgica...

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simple contracts, renegotiation under asymmetric information, and the hold-up problem论文
simple contracts, renegotiation under asymmetric information, and the hold-up problem论文.pdf

European Economic Review 46 (2002) 169}188Simple contracts, renegotiation underasymmetric informatio...

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土力学简答题Simple answer to soil mechanics
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土力学简答题(Simple answer to so订 mechanics)what is the difference between the normal consolidated ...

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the category of all zero-dimensional realcompact spaces is not simple外文
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Generall Topology and its Applications 8 (1978) 259-264,@j N~xGGMiand Publishing CompanyAdar 3 MYSIS...

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a simple way to make pre-stressed ceramics with high strength论文
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Journal of Materiomics 5 (2019) 657e662Contents lists available at ScienceDirectJournal of Materiom...

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green simple preparation of linio2 nanopowder for lithium ion battery论文
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j m a t e r r e s t e c h n o l . 2 0 2 0;9(4):7955–7960Available online at www.sciencedirect.comww...

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simple and sensitive determination of sparfloxacin in pharmaceuticals and biological samples by immunoassay论文
simple and sensitive determination of sparfloxacin in pharmaceuticals and biological samples by immunoassay论文.pdf

Journal of Pharmaceutical Analysis 2012;2(3):214–219Contents lists available at ScienceDirectJourna...

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the simple hyperbolic-sine equation for superplastic deformation and parameters optimization论文
the simple hyperbolic-sine equation for superplastic deformation and parameters optimization论文.pdf

j m a t e r r e s t e c h n o l . 2 0 2 0;9(5):10819–10829Available online at www.sciencedirect.com...

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揭开计算机编程的神秘面纱郑州一中 刘俊星——算法与程序设计初步益智游戏思考有一个牧羊人带着一只羊,...

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bascom's simple pilonidal sinus surgery simpler with ultrasound guidance参考文献
bascom's simple pilonidal sinus surgery simpler with ultrasound guidance参考文献.pdf

Journal of Medical Ultrasound (2013) 21,97e99Available online at www.sciencedirect.comjournal homepa...

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design of thin film solar cells based on a unified simple analytical model英文
design of thin film solar cells based on a unified simple analytical model英文.pdf

Available online at www.sciencedirect.comJournal of Applied Researchand Technolo...

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概率与统计(英文)chapter 12 Simple Linear Regression
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Simple Linear Regressionand CorrelationIntroductionRegression analysis is the part of statistics tha...

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算法与算法描述第一页,共10页二、算法描述1、自然语言:日常生活中使用的语言。2、流程图:起止框 处理框...

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novel, simple, and environmentally safe method for wastewater pollutant removal外文参考
novel, simple, and environmentally safe method for wastewater pollutant removal外文参考.pdf

Journal of Water Process Engineering 42 (2021) 102181Contents lists available at ScienceDirectJourna...

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simple equation method for nonlinear partial differential equations and its applications外文参考
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Journal of the Egyptian Mathematical Society (2016) 24 , 204–209Egyptian Mathematical SocietyJourna...

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transformation of fractions into simple fractions in divisive meadows参考文献
transformation of fractions into simple fractions in divisive meadows参考文献.pdf

Journal of Applied Logic 16 (2016) 92–110Contents lists available at ScienceDirectJournal of App...

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编辑版word页脚下载后可删除,如有侵权请告知删除!编辑版word实验报告一 串匹配问题班级:_计算机师 _ 学...

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The influence of transportation technology of logistics自古以来, 交通运输就是人类生存、 发展的重要活...

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进化算法 遗传算法
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1. Introduction to Genetic AlgorithmsInstitute of Intelligent Information Processing, XiDian Univers...

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遗传算法遗传算法第一页,课件共81页遗传算法简称GA(Genetic Algorithms)是1962年由美国Michigan大学的Ho...

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1A Brief Description of theLevenberg-Marquardt Algorithm Implemenedby levmarManolis I. A. LourakisIn...

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bascom's simple pilonidal sinus surgery simpler with ultrasound guidance参考文献
bascom's simple pilonidal sinus surgery simpler with ultrasound guidance参考文献.pdf

Journal of Medical Ultrasound (2013) 21,97e99Available online at www.sciencedirect.comjournal homepa...

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Simple answer to steel structure(钢结构简答题)
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Simple answer to steel structure (钢结构简答题)Simple answer to steel structureThis article is contr...

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a simple and effective heat induced antigen retrieval method外文文献
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MethodsX 3 (2016) 315–319Contents lists available at ScienceDirectMethodsX

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【国外文学】A Simple Soul纯朴的心
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1【国外文学】A Simple Soul纯朴的心CHAPTER IFor half a century the housewives of Pont-l’Eveque had e...

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