The Book ReportThe Cop and the AnthemBy O.Henry《警察和赞美诗》About the AuthorPen name : O. HenryPr...
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The Book ReportThe Cop and the AnthemBy O.Henry《警察和赞美诗》About the AuthorPen name : O. HenryPr...
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The Cop and the Anthem——A short story written by O.HenryThe brief introduction of the authorWillia...
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The Cop and the Anthem——A short story written by O.HenryThe brief introduction of the authorWillia...
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2003年德岛登聚噤員算集案内ToRuSHmDAPREF∈ CTURACPOLICE个+Realize your word orly through E-MART警察维...
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??第 12 卷第 8 期南阳师范学院学报社会科学版 Vol. 12 No. 8??2 0 1 3 年 8 月 Journal of Nanyang Normal...
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““如果你爱他,那么就把他送到纽约, 如果你爱他,那么就把他送到纽约, 因为那里是天堂;如果你恨他,那么也因...
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----------------------------- 第X页共X页------------------------------- 赞美交通警察诗歌赞美交通警察...
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----------------------------- 第X页共X页------------------------------- 赞美人民警察诗歌赞美人民警察...
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警察和赞美诗美欧·亨利欧·亨利是其笔名,原名为威廉·西德尼·波特(William Sydney Porter) 。美国著名批判...
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The Cop and the Anthem By O.Henry About the Author ?? O. Henry pseud. of William Sydney Porter, 18...
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The Cop and the AnthemO. HenryO. Henry1862-1910William Sidney PorterThe Harrells, with whom Porter s...
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警察与赞美诗 [美] 欧.亨利-------李晨复习竞赛本篇小说警察与赞美诗的作者及简介美国短篇小说家----欧.亨...
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The Cop and the AnthemO. HenryO. Henry1862-1910William Sidney PorterThe Harrells, with whom Porter s...
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警察与赞美诗 [美] 欧.亨利-------李晨复习竞赛本篇小说警察与赞美诗的作者及简介美国短篇小说家----欧.亨...
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TheuseofironyinTheCopandtheAnthemContents摘要 IAbstract IIIntroduction 1Briefintroductionoftheauthor...
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