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This is the palace museum;also know as the Purple Forbidden City. It is the Largest and most well re...
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14 故宫博物院1精选ppt故宫博物院黄传惕2精选ppt唐 朝 诗 人 骆 宾 王 有 一 句 诗:“ 未 睹 皇 居 壮, 安...
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故宫博物院金銮(luán)殿 蟠(pán)龙 鎏(liú)金妃嫔(Pín) 湛(zhàn)蓝 鳌(áo)头修缮(shàn)罄(qì...
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11* 故宫博物院6年级语文上册精品模版-助您成长chù矗 立áo鳌 头luán金銮殿fāng额 枋qìng鸣钟击磬cuán...
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The Palace Museum2020/11/241The Purple Forbidden City is the largest and most well reserved imperial...
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会计学1《故宫博物院》ppt课件第一页,共44页。1、说明文的分类(fēn lèi):根据说明对象和说明目的的不同...
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故宫博物院金銮(luán)殿蟠(páan)龙鎏(liú)金玉玺(xǐ) 妃嫔(Pín) 湛(zhàn)蓝上谕(yù) 傀儡(kuǐ ...
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