护理系助产专业学生对HIVAIDS的认知调查 563000; 563000 【摘要】目的:了解助产士专业新生对艾滋病(AIDS)的认知态度及知晓率,为学校开展AIDS的健康教育以及防治提供依据。方法:分别在入学时和专业课结束后采用问卷调查的方法对146名助产士专业学生进行13项有关AIDS知识的问卷调查。结果:助产士专业新生入学时对13项有关AIDS知识如HIV的传染方式、传染途径等的认知水平很低,2年专业课结束后对13项有关AIDS知识中的7项认知水平的学生数仍然不过半。结论:应加强有关性教育知识和HIV/AIDS知识的学习,以提高助产士专业学生对AIDS知识与认知水平。 【关键词】人类免疫缺陷病毒/艾滋病;助产士;认知调查 Cognitive Investigation of the Midwifery New Student for HIV/AIDS LIU Zhi-mei 1 , ZHANG Xin-jiang 2 ( Medical and pharmaceutical College; of Dermatology, the Affiliated Hospital of Zunyi Medical College, Guizhou Zunyi 563003,China) 【Abstract】Objective To investigate cognitive attitudes and awareness of AIDS for the midwifery new student, providing a basis for schools to carry out health education and the fight against AIDS. Methods 146 midwifery students were investigated using questionnaire method foe their knowledge of the AIDS at the time of admission and after 2 year. Resuts Their knowledge was were lower about infective ways and modes of HIV and cognitive level of AIDS in the admission and was half of the total students after 2 years. Conclusions The level of the Sex education and knowledge for HIV/AIDS should be improved through learning knowledge for HIV/AIDS. 【Key words】HIV/AIDS; Midwifery; Cognitive investigation 【中图分类号】R47 【文献标识码】A 【文章编号】2096-0867(2016)-06-267-02