基于IEC61850的智能变电站网络性能仿真研究 朱龙超 东北石油大学电气信息工程学院 X 关注成功! 加关注后您将方便地在我的关注中得到本文献的被引频次变化的通知! 新浪微博 腾讯微博 人人网 开心网 豆瓣网 网易微博 摘 要: 为了确保智能变电站通信网络的稳定性, 依据基于通信网络的IEC61850变电站自动化系统台, 依次根据IEC61850标准对SV、GOOSE报文数据包进行封装, 制定智能电子设备(IED) 的通信协议, 然后分别建立变电站分层结构中站控层、间隔层、过程层不同IED的模型。最终应用于IEC61850中标准的220/110k V D2-1变电站的网络模型建立中, 对模型的仿真结果满足性能要求。 关键词: 报文协议; 变电站; 网络模型; 智能电子设备; IEC61850; ; 仿真; 作者简介:朱龙超(1993-) , 硕士研究生, 从事电力系统分析和电力物理信息融合系统(ECPS) 的研究, 498010689@。 收稿日期:2017-08-04 Research work Performance Simulation of Intelligent Substation Based on IEC61850 ZHU Long-chao College of Electrical Engineering and Information, Northeast Petroleum University; Abstract: In order to ensure stability of the intelligent work, having IEC61850 standard-based substation automatic system considered and taking object-oriented simulation and discrete event-driven software as platform as well as in accordance with IEC61850 standard, encapsulating SV and GOOSE packets and munication protocol for intelligent electronic equipment (IED) were implemented, including the establishment of model structure of station control layer, bay layer and process layer IED models and work model of standard 220/110 k V D2-1 substation and the performance analysis. Keyword: message protocol; substation; network model; intelligent electronic device; IEC61850; ; simulation; Received: 2017-08-04 智能电子设备(IED)