iGroup China 2017 深度解密IEEE IEL数据库: 科研检索与学术投稿 培训内容 IEEE简介 IEL数据库及 IEEE Xplore平台介绍 IEEE期刊会议投稿流程及注意事项 IEEE相关资源推介 IEEE简介 Founding officers of the American Institute of Electrical Engineers in 1884: Thomas A. Edison American Institute of Electrical Engineers Alexander Graham Bell Guglielmo Marconi Founding member of the Institute of Radio Engineers in 1912: The Institute of Radio Engineers 1912 Radio telegraph operators’communications with thesinking Titanic demonstratedthe power of radio AIEE + IRE = IEEE The idea that there should be anization for all electrical engineers was an old one, and became more powerful as the profession expanded beyond its separate roots in power and radio. In 1962, the boards and memberships of the two institutes agreed to merge. On January 1, 1963, the Institute of Electrical and Electronics Engineers was born with 150,000 members. 1962 Symposium on the proposedmerger, IRE National Convention Special merger issue of theProceedings of the IRE The badge of the new bined the right hand rulefrom the IRE with the kite fromthe AIEE 非营利组织,全球最大的技术行业学会,成员遍布160多个国家地区,会员超过40万人 Today's IEEE IEEE Volunteer Activities 非盈利组织,全球最大的技术行业学会,成员遍布160多个国家地区,会员超过40万人 39个技术协会和6个技术委员会 329个地方分会 1860个专业技术委员会 80个国家的2000多个学生分会 每年在全球范围内举办1500多场会议 出版世界电气电子工程和计算机领域30%的文献 提供1000多个现行的产业标准,及500个正在制定的标准 IEEE Societies IEEE Instrumentation and Measurement Society IEEE Intelligent Transportation Systems Society IEEE ics Society IEEE Microwave Theory and Techniques Society IEEE Nuclear and Plasma Sciences Society IEEE Oceanic Engineering Society IEEE Photonics Society IEEE Power Electronics Society IEEE Power and Energy Society IEEE Product Safety Engineering Society IEEE munications Society IEEE Reliability Society IEEE Robotics and Automation Society IEEE Signal Processing Society IEEE Society on Social Implications of Technology IEEE Solid-State Circuits Society IEEE Systems, Man, and ics Society IEEE Ultrasonics, Ferroelectrics, and Frequency C