骨科 甘肃兰州 基金:甘肃省自然科学基金(22JR5RA1065) 【Summary】目的:研究黄芪水提取物对急性骨髓炎(AO)大鼠的影响及对ERK/MAPK通路的干预。方法:随机将大鼠分为正常组、假手术组、模型组、黄芪水提取物组,建立AO模型,造模后给予黄芪水提取物组大鼠黄芪水提取物灌胃治疗21d。Smeltzer评分系统对大鼠胫骨影像学及病理切片HE染色结果打分;血琼脂平板用于培养骨内活菌菌落;ELISA检测骨髓组织液中总一氧化氮合酶(tNOS)、诱导型一氧化氮合酶(iNOS)、内皮型一氧化氮合酶(eNOS)活性及一氧化氮(NO)含量;Westernblot和qRT-PCR用于检测胫骨组织中ERK、MAPK蛋白及mRNA相对表达水平。结果:黄芪水提取物组大鼠Smeltzer评分显著低于模型组,骨皮质结构病变减轻,炎性细胞浸润减少;黄芪水提取物治疗后菌落形成数量显著低于模型组;与模型组相比,黄芪水提取物组大鼠脊髓组织液内tNOS、eNOS酶活性降低,NO含量减少,同时ERK1/2、MAPK蛋白 磷酸化增加,ERK、MAPKmRNA表达水平显著升高。结论:杜仲皮水提取物可能通过激活ERK/MAPK信号通路,抑制eNOS酶活性,降低内源性NO含量,从而发挥对AO大鼠的治疗作用。 【Keys】黄芪水提取物;急性骨髓炎;ERK/MAPK Effects of Huangqi Water Extract on Acute Osteomyelitis Rats and Intervention of ERK/MAPK Pathway [Abstract] Objective:Study the effect of Huangqi water extract on acute osteomyelitis (AO) rats and its intervention on the ERK/MAPK : Randomly pide rats into normal group, sham operation group, model group, and astragalus water extract group to establish an AO model. After modeling, rats in the astragalus water extract group were treated with astragalus water extract by gavage for 21 days. The Smeltzer scoring system scores the HE staining results of imaging and pathological sections of rat tibia; Blood agar plates are used to cultivate viable bacterial colonies in bone; ELISA was used to detect the activities of total nitric oxide synthase (tNOS), inducible nitric oxide synthase (iNOS), endothelial nitric oxide synthase (eNOS), and nitric oxide (NO) content in bone marrow tissue fluid; Western blot and qRT PCR were used to detect the relative expression levels of ERK, MAPK proteins, and mRNA in tibial :The Smeltzer score of rats in the Huangqi water extract group was significantly lower than that in the model group, and the structural lesions of the bone cortex were alleviated, with a decrease in inflammatory cell infiltration; The number of colony formation after treatment with Huangqi water extract was significantly lower than that of the model group; Compared with the model group, the activity of tNOS and eNOS enzymes in the spinal cord tissue fluid of rats in the Huangqi water extract group decreased, while the content of NO decreased. At the same time, the phosphorylation of ERK1/2 and MAPK proteins increased, and the expression levels of ERK and MAPK mRNA significantly increased. Conclusion:The aqueous extract of Eucommia ulmoides bark may exert therapeutic effects on AO rats by activating the ERK/MAPK signaling pathway, inhibiting eNOS enzyme activity, and reducing endogenous NO content. [Key words]Astragalus membranaceus aqueous extract; Acute osteomyelitis; ERK/MAPK 引言 急性骨髓炎(acuteosteomyelitis,AO)是由化脓性细菌经血行感染引起的骨髓炎症,其感染源多为金黄色葡萄球菌[1],常由外伤、手术或血液性感染所致脓肿后并发多种炎症反应引起败血症造成关节溃破、骨空洞、骨损伤等病理变化,造成患者终身残疾甚至死亡,严重影响患者的生存质量。近年来,静脉注射细菌敏感性抗菌药物、全身支持疗法或局部治疗等方法的普及显著提高了AO的治疗效果[2],但总体治愈率仍不理想,临床仍缺少根治AO的有效手段。黄芪 (AstragaliRadix.)又称为黄耆,李时珍释其名曰:“耆,长也,黄音色黄,为补药之长,故名”,现今将“耆”简写为“芪”。现代医学对黄芪的研究发现,黄芪具有明显的抗菌、抗炎作用。丝裂原活化蛋白激酶(MAPK)在炎症反应中起重要作用,ERK介导的级联反应是重要途径,该通路的激活可增加炎症细胞因子的产生,加剧炎症反应。大量研究表明[3],ERK/MAPK信号通路是黄芪发挥抗炎作用的主要通路之一,ERK/MAPK信号通路在骨髓炎的发生发展中也起着重要作用。而目前尚未见黄芪水提取物在AO发生及治疗中的研究报道,因此本实验拟观察黄芪水提取物对AO模型大鼠的影响,探讨其作用机制。 1材料与方法