导管机器人系统的建立及其关键技术的研究-机械工程专业论文.pdf依据对虚拟相机的参数进行设置,实现漫游导航。采用方向包围盒方法实现了导 管端部与血管模型的实时碰撞检测,并提供导管端部与血管壁的距离信息。通过预配准和精确配准两个步骤实现图像坐标系与传感器坐标系的映射。 利用研制的单弯钢丝牵引导管、主从输送装置和引导图像构建了导管机器人系统。对单弯钢丝牵引导管及输送装置的性能进行了测试。在血管模型中成功地实施了多次插管操作验证了所构建导管机器人系统的可行性和有效性。通过对 2D 和 3D 图像引导手工和手柄操作插管所需的操作时间及成败进行比较,对系统的性能进行了定量的分析。利用实际介入过程中导管与血管壁面接触时,引导图像上导管端部与血管壁的距离作为评价指标对所开发的导航系统进行了精度评估。 关键词:血管微创介入手术;插管;弯形可控导管;主从介入;图像引导 Abstract Endovascular minimally invasive surgery (MIS) has been widely adopted all over the world for its less blood loss, smaller incisions, decreased pain and quicker recovery. The disadvantages existed in three basic links of conventional catheterization, to a great extent, limit the development of endovascular MIS: the maneuverability of the catheter is poor, which leads to many a misoperations and attemptations and hence not only provides the catheterization with low efficiency and ess rate but does great harm to vessels; it demands high-level skill for surgeons manually operating the catheter and the intervention process cannot be stable and precise, besides the surgeons suffer from serious radiation on site; conventional 2D x- ray image not only generates much radiation but is difficult to tell the 3D anatomy of vasculature. In order to e above limitations, a novel catheter robotic system was presented in this paper, which posed of the steerable catheter, master- slave intervention mechanism, ic tracking sensors and 3D guiding image. Details are as follows: Two kinds of steerable catheters were studied, which were shape-memory-alloy (SMA)-actuated and pull-wire catheters. The SMA actuator characteristic described by Liang's model, the bending mechanics, and a heat transfer model bined to form the dynamics of the single and multiple SMA actuated catheters. The intrinsic hystersis characteristic was studied by measuring the bending angle and temperature of a prototype, and the dynamic model proposed was verified to be effective. A 7Fr single curve catheter and its special handle were devised. Both ends of the be