多璜联壁主要出土于晋南陶寺文化、晋陕北新华文化、甘青地区齐家文化,其形制特殊,分布相对集中,年代相对单一,具有鲜明的自身特点。龙山文化吋期晋南地区首先创造性的发明丫多璜联璧这类独特的玉器种类,之后北传至陕北, 再通过陕北、内蒙古中南部等新华文化与齐家文化间的互动交流或文化扩张进而向西传至齐家文化分布区。多璜联璧在不同的考古学文化中功用有别,在晋南主要是佩戴饰物,而在齐家文化中却多与祭祀相关。
Preliminary Discussion on the Annular Flat Piece of Jade with Holes in It Together with Multi Jade Parts Unearthed in Taosi Site
Gao Jiangtao
The bi (disc-shaped jade for ritual employment) made up by stringing together pieces of annular jade was mainly made use of by the taosi culture in southern shanxi province, the Xinhua culture in the northern shanxi (山西)and northern shanxi (陝西)provinces and the qijia culture in gansu ancl qinghai provinces, with its special form, relatively pure date and distinct characteristic and relatively concentrated in one area. The bi was first created in in southern shanxi province, then spread to northern shanxi (陕西)province, then westward spread to the qijia culture through the interplay between the qijia culture and the Xinhua
culture in the northern shanxi (山西)and northern shanxi (陕西) provinces. The bi played different roles in different archaeological cultures,mainly employed as adornment in southern shanxi (丨丨丨西) province and related to the offering activities in the qijia culture.
the string of semi-annular jade; the Taosi culture; munication among the different archaeological cultures;
多璜联壁是两节以上的多节璜形玉片通过其两端系孔联缀而形成的玉璧。一般常见2飞节璜对合组成,故夏鼐先生称之为“复合壁”。又有“联环形玉器”、“玉围圈”之名。多璜联璧主要发现于陶寺文化、齐家文化以及石峁一类遗存屮, 同时期的其他考古学文化中罕见,相较之前应该是时空比较集中的一种新的用玉习俗或装饰风尚。以往限于资料的原因,系统论述者较少,笔者不揣浅陋以陶寺遗址出土的此类玉器延展开来尝试做一较为系统的研究。
目前,陶寺遗址共出土 9件多璜联壁,见于7座墓葬与一处地层中,分别为 M1453:2> M1466:l-4、M3021:2、M2011:6、M2042:3、M2011:5、M1449:l、M3033:8 与1IT7464 (3) :8b等(见图一及附表)。陶寺出土多璜联壁都由质料相同的数节璜组成,经鉴定,有软玉4件、半玉(方解石+透闪石)1件、似玉3件(内大理石、滑石、绢云母各1件),但各节璜的受沁程度存在差异。
陶寺出土多璜联壁有以下几个特点:一是,均出土于墓葬之中,其它遗存单位罕见。IIT7464 (3) :8b联壁虽标识出土于地层之中,但值得注意的是该探方第(3) 层土堆积特殊,为陶寺晚期捣毁陶寺中期墓葬所形成的堆积层,故推测此件多璜联璧很有可能属于陶寺中期墓葬的原有随葬品。二是,除M2011外,多是一墓仅
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