新闻体裁 Classification News Reporting News reporting in brief words is information about a recently changed situation or a recent event, which is the most basic , widely -and –frequently- employed type of reporting. 消息是以简要的文字迅速报道新闻事实的一种体裁, 是最基本、 最广泛、最经常采用的新闻体裁。 Headline 标题 Composition 构成 Lead 导语 Body 正文 News Reporting Inverted Pyramid Form Basic Structure Pyramid Form (chronological style) According to the order of importance, news reports are divided into two forms: With an ascending order of importance…… 2. With a descending order of importance …… News Reporting Inverted Pyramid Form Events in Descending Order of Importance News Reporting Beginning Fact-1 Fact-2 Fact-3 ... Fact-n Ending Events in Ascending Order of Sequence Minor Important Climax Pyramid Form body News Reporting Advantages 1)行文构思比较方便 2)可保持新闻事实比较完整的故事性 3)容易清楚的反映出新闻事件原委始末的脉络 4)制造悬念(suspended interest) ,增强读者兴趣 5)适合于报道故事性强、以情节取胜的事件 Disadvantages: 1)展开情节的节奏较慢,这种结构不适宜于报道“硬”新闻 2)对记者要求较高,要有一定的概括能力 Lead (导语)
The lead is the introductory portion of a news story. It displays in a significant way the most important elements in the news, such as the 5 “W”s and 1 “H”.