关键词:绿色话语; 生态批评话语分析; 人类中心主义; 非生态因素 Abstract With the vital topic of environmental degradation was adopted into the gamut of linguistic concerns, the range and scope of the application of the concept of “ecology” within linguistics widened dramatically. Ecocritical discourse analysis can be seen as the extension of the critical discourse analysis. It mainly conducts a criticism of socialized ecological ideologies and action. The ideologies usually determine the style of text in order to realize the particular purpose. The term Greenspeak is coined as a catch-all term for all the ways in which issues of the environment are presented, be in written, spoken or pictorial form. Language is not the only medium that brought the ecological issues to the publics. Through the ecocritical analysis of the Greenspeaks, this thesis analysis the unecological elements from the micro level and thus appeal to protect the environment through the ecologization of grammar. The innovation of this thesis is that it applies Fairclough’s new critical discourse analytical framework in social scientific research, and uses it as the theoretical basis, uses the anthropocentrism as the philosophical foundation, concludes several ways of the ecologization of grammar. This thesis selected six Greenspeaks from the newspapers and magazines, applies the Fairclough’s new analytical framework as the theoretical basis, talks about the issue from three levels: semiotic aspects of the ecological issues; identify the obstacles in solving ecological issues and the ecocritical discourse analysis. And the ecocritical discourse analysis also involves structure analysis, interdiscursive analysis and linguistic analysis. Through the above analysis, this thesis mainly talks about three questions: First, in what kind of way that the ecological issues are constructed anized that makes the issue difficult to solve? Second, what kind of the unecological elements that exists in the English language system? Third, ho