第一部分:设计理念 大脚革命走向新桃源 1. The little foot Aesthetic and little foot urbanism小脚美学与小脚城市主义For more than a thousand years, young Chinese girls were forced to bind their feet in order to be able to marry citified elites, and the natural “big” feet were considered rustic and rural. Unhealthy, and deprived of productivity, low performance and stink, but “beautiful” Sacrifices function for the ornamental value Urbanity (citified small foot ) vs. Rustic ( rural big foot,欧洋画) 城市(小脚丫) 乡下(大脚丫) 千百年来,城市贵族们为了有别于“乡巴佬”,定义了所谓的“美”和“品味”,手段是将自然的赋予的健康和寻常,变为病态的异常 城市和景观则是这种贵族文化和价值观的最宏大的展现 Rural Vs. Urbane Big foot Vs. Little foot 乡下----城市 Big Foot Landscape 真实的桃花源,大脚景观,丰产而美丽 Little Foot Landscape 贵族的虚假的桃花源,小脚景观 500 year flood controlling dike surrounding Hainan Island, the last undeveloped paradise 因此,我们包裹自然之脚以换取城市性 Rural: Crops along country road Urban:Ornamentals along new country 因此,我们急于将粗野和丰产变为高雅而无用 Worse!! The little foot urbanism + American jumbo Dream 更糟糕的是:中国小脚城市主义审美观+美国的巨物主义消费观 ( Courtesy of Dr. Mitchell Joachim, 2009)