Demyelinative disease is a group of diseases of brain and spinal cord in which destruction of myelin is a prominent feature. Myelin sheaths play importance role in protecting and supporting for nervous fiber and transporting of material to neurons and maintaining of neurons’ ionic environment. The formation of myelin sheaths in both the central and peripheral nervous system follows a similar pattern. Central myelin is formed by an extension of membrane of the oligodendrocyte wrapping the axons, whereas peripheral myelin is formed by the extension of the Schwann cell membrane.
monest accepted the pathologic criteria of demyelinative disease S:
1. Destruction of the myelin sheaths of nerve fibers;
2. Relative sparing of other elements of nervous tissue, . of axis cylinders, nerve cell, and supporting structure, and a relative lack of Wallerian, or secondary, degeneration off fiber tracts.
3. A particular distribution of lesions often is perivenous and primarily in white matter.
Classification of demyelination disease S
Dysmyelinative type (leukodystrophy)
It results from failure to form normally constituted myelin, due to ic enzymatic disorders, such as adrenoleukodystrophy (ADL), Globod leucodystrophy (Krabbe), Metachromatic leucodystrophy (MLD)
Demyelinating type
It is breakdown of normally constituted myelin.
Classifications of the demyelination disease
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