Chengdu Institute Sichuan International Studies University 本科毕业论文 题目 (中文) 谈海盗团体在英国崛起中起到的作用 (外文) On the Influence of the Pirate Group to British Rising 系别 英语旅游系 专业 英语 年级 2007级 学生姓名 指导教师 结稿日期 2011年4月30日 四川外语学院成都学院教务处制 2011 年 4 月 30 日填 On the Influence of the Pirate Group to British Rising Abstract Pirates are the perpetrators who specially rob other ships at sea and occupy other territories. It’s a kind of quite ancient criminal offence. No sooner had the ship sailed than the pirate existed, particularly after sailing developed the 16th century. The British rising roughly traces to the reign of Queen Elizabeth. The British East pany, by the methods of rampant monopoly, outrageous plunders and bloody conversion, obtained adequate fund to contribute to Britain capital accumulation that is a significant ingredient to state rising. And Drake devoted himself to pirates type expeditionary activities have brought great wealth to British government and also in accordance with the Britain early capital accumulation to contribute British rising. According to historical record, in about years, more than a quarter of British residents were Danish or Danish seed. They are usually reputed as the “Vikings” coming from northern Europe. From then on, Britain was influenced by them, such as the female chauvinism, social mores and language. Pirates’ experience and skills of long-term offshore activities improved the quality of the navy and shipbuilding technology level. Therefore, British built up a new and flexible navy team to create conditions for following dominating Marine. In this essay, at first I will define the pirate and introduce the background and reasons of British rising; second, I will explain the influence on rising of Britain by pirate in details from three aspects, they include British economy, culture and overseas expansion; at last, conclusion is the main part.
Key words: pirate; Britain; economy; culture; expansion On t