第 36 卷第 6 期冰雪运动 2014年11 月 China Winter Sports Nov. 2014 数字技术在冰雪运动后备人才 培养中的运用研究 王海峰,张岩 (黑龙江省职工体育运动技术学院,黑龙江哈尔滨 150080) 摘�要:探索数字技术在冰雪运动后备人才培养中的应用有利于推动冰雪运动竞技训练向“科技 体育”的方向发展。运用文献资料等方法,对数字技术在冰雪运动后备人才培养中的选拔、训练、医 疗、管理等方面进行分析。认为数字技术与冰雪运动的融合发展是当代冰雪训练科技化的必然趋 势,能提高冰雪运动后备人才的培养效率、提升冰雪竞技运动水平。建议在今后冰雪运动后备人才 培养中广泛应用,为推动我的不断提升提供参考。 关键词:数字技术;冰雪运动;后备人才;科学化训练 中图分类号:G80-05 文献标识码:A 文章编号:1002–3488(2014)06–0009–04 Research on the Use of Digital Technology in the Cultivation of Winter Sports Reserved Talents WANG Hai-feng,ZHANG Yan (Heilongjiang Provincial Physical Education Technology Institute, Harbin 150080, China) Abstract : xploring the application of digital technology in the cultivation of winter sports reserved talents helps promote winter sports petitive training to“ science sports”. Using documents and other methods, analyze digital technology in the cultivation of winter sports reserved talents from the aspects of selection, training, medical treatment, management and so on. Think the fixing development of digital technology and winter sports is the inevitable trend for modern ice and snow training scientific, can improve the cultivation efficiency of winter sports reserved talents, improve petitive level of ice and snow sports. Suggest to be used widely in the cultivation of winter sports reserved talents in t