大学生视觉听觉简单反应时自主实验报告 摘要:实验选取xx师范学院教师教育学院2012级应用心理学专业7男生和8名女生作为被试(一位同学的数据无效,分析时已剔除),对其进行了视觉简单反应时和听觉简单反应时的测验,目的在探究简单反应时视觉与听觉简单反应时间的差异以及实验中不同性别被试间是否存在差异,使用spss 。结果表明: (1)视觉反应时与听觉反应时差异不显著(P>)(2)不同性别被试在实验中差异不显著(p>) 关键词:视觉听觉简单反应时 spss 性别差异 Abstract: the experiment selected hefei normal university teacher education college class of 2012 seven boys and eight girls as the subjects, (a classmate of invalid data), on the simple visual reaction time and simple auditory reaction time test, aims to explore simple reaction time whether there is a difference between different gender subjects in the experiments and simple visual and auditory reaction time difference; Using SPSS software to the measurement result for statistical analysis parative study. Results show that: (1) the different gender were no significant difference in the experiment. (2) visual reaction with auditory reaction time difference was not significant Key words: visual auditory simple reaction time SPSS Gender differences :