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第 19卷第 6期黑龙江科技学院学报 Vol. 19 No. 6
2009年 11月 Journal of Heilongjiang Institute of Science & Technology Nov. 2009
文章编号: 1671- 0118 (2009) 06- 0454- 04
李晓豁, 史秀宝, 吴迪, 林其岳
(辽宁工程技术大学机械工程学院,辽宁阜新 123000)
摘要: 通过对螺旋升角的定义,建立截割头包络面螺旋线的数学模型,提出等螺旋升角的截
匀,截线距从截割头大端向小端递减,各截齿的切削面积均匀,截齿2 受力状况良好,满足截齿排列的
关键词:掘进机; 截割头; 截齿排列; 螺旋线; 切屑图; 参数化
中图分类号: TD421. 5 文献标识码: A
Pick arrangement parameterization of different shape cutting heads
L I X iaohuo, SH I X iubao, WU D i, L IN Q iyue
(College ofMechanical Engineering, L iaoning Technical University, Fuxin 123000, China)
Abstract: This paper discusses the development of a mathematical model for sp iral line of cutting
head envelope surface by defining rise angle, p resents the theory of equal rise angle p ick arrangement,
and introduces the model of p ick position obtained for generatix of envelope surface with different shape of
cutting heads. Practical design by working puter p rogram results in cutting heads of two different
shape and figures of p ick arrangement and cutting pattern. The results show that the p ick arrangement de
signed by the model features a uniform distribution, p rogressively decreasing transversal distance from big
end to small end of the cutting
不同形状截割头截齿排列的参数化设计 来自淘豆网m.daumloan.com转载请标明出处.