中国农业气象( Ch in ese Journal of Ag rom eteoro logy)
2010, 31( 3) : 379- 383
do :i 10. 3969 / .j issn. 1000- 6362. 2010. 03. 010
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, 张学军
( 1 中国农业科学院农业环境与可持续发展研究所/农业部旱作节水农业重点开放实验室, 北京
2 宁夏农林科学院资源与环境研究所, 银川
摘要: 依据 2008年 5- 10月在宁夏灵武灌区的田间试验资料, 探讨最优氮磷组合对水稻产量及氮肥利用率的影
28 013, P= 0 0001)。氮磷交互作用显示, 低氮水平适量增施磷肥增产, 低磷水平适量增施氮肥增产, 即处理 6
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50% , 氮肥利用率提升 20 7% , 可消减和降低氮素对土壤和水体的污染, 该组合值得在当地推广应用。
关键词: 水稻; 产量构成; 氮磷组合; 总氮吸收; 氮肥利用率
E ffect of D ifferent N /P F ertilizer Application on R ice Y ield and N U se
E fficiency in Irrigation A rea of N ingxia
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LI Q iao zhen , CHEN X iao qun , LI Yu zhong , ZHANG Xue jun
( 1 Institute o f Env ironm ent and Susta inable D eve lopm ent in A gr iculture, Ch inese A cadem y o fA g ricu ltura l Sc iences /K ey L aborato ry o f
D ry land A gr icu lture, M OA, Be ijing
100081, Ch ina; 2 Institute of A gr icultural R esources and Env ironm ent, N ingx ia
A cadem y o f Ag ricu ltura l and Fo restry Sc iences, Y ingchuan
A bstract: Based on field experim ental data for irrigat ion rice in L ingw u, the effects o f d ifferent N / P fertilizer app lica
tion on rice y ield and N use effic iency w ere stu died. T he results show ed that the y ields of 12 N /P treatm ents w ere
7 361 t/ ha~ 10 680t / ha, 28% ~ 85% h igher than CK. The y ield in creased if adding appropria te fe
宁夏灌区不同氮磷组合对水稻产量及氮肥利用率的影响[J] 来自淘豆网m.daumloan.com转载请标明出处.