Cognitive Science
Handbook of Perception and Cognition
2nd Edition
Series Editors
Edward C. Carterette
and Morton P. Friedman
Cognitive Science
Edited by
Benjamin Martin Bly
Department of Psychology
Rutgers University
Newark, New Jersey
David E. Rumelhart
Department of Psychology
Stanford University
Stanford, California
Academic Press
San Diego London Boston
New York Sydney Tokyo Toronto
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Library of Congress Catalog Card Number: 99-60977
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Contributors xi
Foreword xiii
Preface xv
1 Coordinate Transformations in the Genesis
of Directed Action
C. R. Gallistel
I. Introduction 1
A. Coordinate Transformations 2
B. Two Contrasting Conceptions 5
II. Directed Limb Movements 8
A. Kinematics 8
B. Dynamics 11
C. Conclusions 22
III. adic Eye Movements 24
A. Integrator Coordinates: A Neurally Imposed Framework 24
B. The Representation of ades in the Superior Colliculus 29
IV. Concluding Remarks 37
References 39
2 Attention
David LaBerge
I. A Cognitive Neuroscience Framework for Viewing Attention 44
A. Goals of Attention 45
vi Contents
B. Manifestation
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