MRL/lpr狼疮小鼠CD4+CD25+调节性T细胞和相关基因的研究 (作者:___________单位: ___________邮编: ___________) 作者:卢雪红田庚杨巍李一顾华 【摘要】目的通过研究MRL/lpr系统性红斑狼疮(SLE)小鼠(模型组)胸腺、脾脏中CD4+CD25+调节性T细胞(Tr)数量和相关基因的变化,探讨Tr在SLE发病中的作用。方法采用间接免疫荧光法检测模型组和对照组血清中抗核抗体水平,流式细胞术检测胸腺、脾脏中Tr数量,RTPCR检测Tr功能基因表达水平。结果抗核抗体模型组均为阳性,而对照组均为阴性;胸腺、脾脏中Tr数量模型组与对照组无明显差别;Foxp3的表达水平在模型组胸腺中与对照组无明显差别,而在模型组脾脏中却低于对照组;CTLA4的表达水平在模型组胸腺和脾脏均高于对照组。结论 Tr数量的变化在MRL/lpr小鼠的发病中不起关键作用,而Tr功能的变化,尤其在外周的功能缺陷可能是其发病的原因之一,至于Tr的抑制功能是否真正发生变化,还有待于进一步通过体外抑制功能的检测来确定。 【关键词】 MRL/lpr小鼠;系统性红斑狼疮;CD4+CD25+调节性T细胞;小鼠 【Abstract】Objective To investigate CD4+CD25+ regulatory T cells and target genes in thymus and spleen of MRL/lpr mice. Methods Serum anti nuclear antibody was detected by indirect immunofluorescence. CD4+CD25+Tr was determined by flow cytometry and its target genes were detected by RTPCR. Results Antinuclear antibody was positive in model group but negative in control group. There were no significant differences of CD4+CD25+Tr in model and control groups. Foxp3 levels of model group was no significant difference in thymus but lower in pared with that of control group. CTLA4 levels of model group had higher than those of control group both in thymus and in spleen. Conclusions MRL/lpr mice do not occur as a result of reduced level of CD4+CD25+Tr, but function defect of CD4+CD25+Tr may be responsible for its occurrence. But the suppressive effect of CD4+CD25+Tr is st