PBL与LBL教学法在肾内科教学查房中的比较研究 (作者:___________单位: ___________邮编: ___________) 作者:师帅帅,赵银娥,张毅强 【摘要】目的:评价PBL与LBL两种教学法在肾内科教学查房中对教学效果的影响。方法:随机抽取肾内科实习的本科生60人,将其分为实验组(30人)和对照组(30人),实验组采用PBL教学法进行教学查房,对照组则采用LBL教学法教学查房,比较两组学生的教学效果并采用问卷调查,分析不同教学方法对学生综合能力的影响。结果:两组学生教学效果的比较差异有统计学意义(),PBL组学生的平均成绩明显高于LBL组。两组学生的综合能力比较差异有统计学意义()。结论:PBL教学法运用于学生教学查房收到较好的效果;PBL教学法较传统教学法在提高学生学习的积极性和主动性、人际沟通能力、团队精神等方面有优势。 【关键词】 PBL教学法;LBL教学法;教学查房 [ABSTRACT] Objective: to evaluate the effect of problembasedlearning (PBL) and lecturebasedlearning (LBL) model in nephrology teaching rounds. Methods: 60 students practicing in nephrology from July of 2008 to July of 2009 were randomly divided into experimental group and control group. PBL model in teaching rounds was emlpoyed in experimental group and LBL model in control group. The teaching effectiveness of the two teaching methods pared and appraised. Results: the teaching effectiveness of two groups had significant difference (), the average score in PBL group were higher than LBL group. The mixed ability of two groups had significant difference (). Conclusion: the teaching effectiveness of PBL group was better than LBL group. PBL teaching model had advantages in raising student’s activeness, the abilities munication with others, team consciousness et al. [KEY WORDS] Problembased learning method; Lecturebased learning method; Teaching round