医学研究生学报 2010 年 3 月第 23 卷第 3期 J Med Post ra,Vol. 23 , No. 3, March, 2010 331 综述研究生的学术道德——他律与自律惠让松综述, 杨雪琴审校[ 摘要] 研究生是我国学术研究群体的重要组成部分,近年来,研究生中出现了一系列学术不端行为,对我和未来学术研究的质量造成负面影响。文中对研究生学术不端行为的界定、影响因素、相关对策等进行了综述, 并着重强调学术不端行为根本上反映的是个人道德品质和诚信问题,要端正研究生学术风气,杜绝学术不端行为的发生,除了良好科研学术环境的构建,还有赖于研究生加强自我学术和道德修养, 做到严于自律。[ 关键词] 研究生; 学术不端行为; 道德规范[ 中图分类号] G64 [ 文献标志码] A[ 文章编号] 1008-8199(2010)034)331>03 Academic morality of postgraduates : Autonomy and heteronomy HUI Rang-song reviewing, YANG Xue-qin checking (Department of Dermatology, General Hospital of Air Force, Beijing 100142, China) [ Abstract ] The postgraduate group is an ponent of academic researchers in China. However, academic misconducts presented among postgraduates are adversely affecting the quality of our talent training and future academic research. This article reviewed the definition, influencing factors and relative solving strategy of academic misconducts. It was stressed emphatically that academic misconducts radically reflected the problems of individual moral character and honesty, asa result, postgraduates should increase moral plishment and develop consciousness of autonomy to prevent academic misconducts. [ Key words ] Postgraduate ; Academic misconduct ; Moral norm 当前,我国研究生教育事业正处在飞速发展的阶段。研究生招生规模逐年扩大, 我国现已成为世界上研究生数量最多的国家之一。当人们为培养了大批高层次人才感到无比欣慰的时候, 也为研究生中出现的一系列学术不端行为深感担忧和不安。其形式主要表现: 轻则一稿多投、虚假署名、参考文献引用不实事求是等;重则篡改、伪造实验数据
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