系别: 城建系 专业: 给水排水工程 班级: 姓名: 学号: 外文出处: Wan Fang foreign languages (用外文写) literature datebase 附 件:1、外文原文;2、外文资料翻译译文。 指导教师评语: 签字: 年 月 日 注:请将该封面与附件装订成册。 1、外文原文(复印件) Supplying and draining waterin hospital construction With the fact that modern medicine science promptness develops,new technique , the new armamentarium are continuing without end , modernized medical treatment thereby consonant with that is building a hospital , are also are confronted with new design idea and new technology applying. Disregarding secondary hospital building function , what whose gets along environment, still , finclause the hospital builds equipment and is equipped with system, the request is without exception higher and higher. Because of it is to ensure daily work living not only need the rapid and intense life relevance recovering from the illness , avoiding crippling , rescuing, and promote with giving treatment to a patient. Not only the design accomplishing to the special field draining away water need to satisfy the request being unlike a function in hospital building on equipment , but also safety is be obliged to reliable. Following is built according to the hospital. 一 HOSPITAL GIVES A SEWERAGE 1) Modernized hospital equipment and equipment system content is numerous , the function is peculiar , the request is very high. Except demanding to swear to continue supplying with the use water according with quality level sufficiently, need more according to demand of different medical treatment instrument and different administrative or tehcnical office to water quality , water pressure , the water temperature, classify setting up water treatment system and be in progress to system to increase pressu