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Aug. 25, 2005
2005年 8月 25日通信电源技术
Vol. 22 No. 4
41 第 22卷第 4期 Power Technologies
文章编号: 1009 3664 (2005) 04 0014 03 电源技术应用
基于 AVR型单片机智能双电源开关的研制
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(同济大学电气工程系,上海, 200331)
片机 ATmega16对电源状况进行实时的判断,并在常用电源出现故障时自动将电路切换到备用电
关键词: ATmega16;智能开关;电力系统
中图分类号: TN86 文献标识码: A
D evelopm en t of Automa tic Sw itch ing D ev ice Ba sed on
AVR S inglech ip for D uplica te Power
CHEN Guo dong, XU Guo qing, ZHANG M ing rui, YU M ing
(Department of Electrical Engineering, Tongji University, Shanghai 200331, China)
Abstract: Dup licate power supp ly is necessary to enhance the continuity of the load. It is important to
app ly a special controller to switch between the dup licated power supp ly. The function of the controller is
to supervise the electrical power supp ly in real time and assure the reliability of the electrical power sup
p ly. This paper thus analyses the p rincip le and the scheme of the controller, then study and imp rove the
automatic switching device for the intelligent dup licate power. The paper suggests that a high performance
single chip ATmega16 be used to detect and judge the state of electrical power supp ly in real time, and to
基于AVR型单片机智能双电源开关的研制 来自淘豆网m.daumloan.com转载请标明出处.