【毕业设计】基于J2EE架构的电子商务系统设计.docx毕业设计论文 基于J2EE架构的电子商务系统设计 教学单位 专业名称 学生姓名 指导教师 指导单位 完成时间 基于J2EE架构的电子商务系统设计 【摘要】IBM公司对未来世界有句预言---- “要么电子商务,要么无商可 务!”。随着经济全球化的发展,网络影响着人们生活的方方面面。现如今,电子 商务风暴越刮越烈,人们越来越倾向于网上购物,足不出户就可以在网上买到各 种各样的商品。所以,如何建立适合公司的电子商务系统成则为了许多企业家的 烦恼。出于此现状,本文主要研究了如何建立一个网上购书系统。 本人所设计制作的“珍书网”网上购书系统,是建立在J2EE架构上的,并运 用了 Struts2框架,JQuery框架,Ajax技术等现如今热门的技术。该系统主要拥 有产品浏览,分类显示,注册登录,购物车,下订单五大模块。各个模块间相互 依赖,并共同组成了一个较为完整的网上购书系统。 【关键词】 电子商务,J2EE, Struts2,网上购书 Design of E-Commerce System based on J2EE Architecture [Abstract ] IBM says when predicting the future world ——“Either electronic commerce or no commercial affairs". As the economic globalization is developing, the computer network is affecting every aspect of human life. Today, e-commerce storm based on computer network is becoming stronger and stronger. More and more people tend to do online shopping, and they can buy any kinds of commodities via the network without going out of their houses. Therefore, how to establish an e-commerce system suitable to a specific company becomes a trouble of many entrepreneurs. Considering such a current situation, this dissertation mainly makes research on how to establish an online book shop. The "Zhen Shu Wang" online book shop system designed and made by the author is established on J2EE architecture, and applies some state-of-the-art technologies, such as Struts! Frame, JQuery Frame, and Ajax technology. This book shop system is comprised of five modules and they are Product View, Display by Category, Register & Logon, Add to Cart and Place an Order. All these five modules depend on each other and together constitute a complete online book shop system. LKey Words] E-commerce, J2EE, Struts2, Online book shopping 目录 第1章绪论 1 1 1 2 3 3 第2章技术背景 4 4 J2EE 框架 4 Struts2 框架 5 OGNL表达式 7 JQuery 框架 8 AJAX 技术 8 第3章系统设计 10 10 10 10 12 12 (E-R图) 13 第4章系统实现 15