【摘要】目的观察硬膜外低浓度左旋布比卡因与芬太尼配伍, 用于分娩镇痛的临床效果,以及对产程、产妇、新生儿的影响。方法根据自愿要求将 100 例产妇分为镇痛组和对照组。镇痛组于子宫口开大 3~ 4cm 时硬膜外给药,首次剂量:% 左旋布比卡因+1 μ g/m l 芬太尼 10~ 15ml ,然后视产程进展和宫缩痛情况追加给药。对照组第二产程行会阴阻滞麻醉。结果(1) 观察组的镇痛效果明显优于对照组( P< );(2) 镇痛组产妇生命体征和新生儿阿氏评分与对照组比较差异无显著性( P> );(3) 产妇运动能力、产程时间比较差异无显著性( P> )。结论低浓度左旋布比卡因复合芬太尼硬膜外给药用于分娩镇痛效果良好,是较安全、有效的分娩镇痛药物配伍方法。 fentanyl on peridural anesthesia labor analegsia Huang Xiaopeng , Xiao Xiaoshan , Wang Baoping , et al. The Second People Hospital of Guangdong Province , Guangzhou510317. 【 Abstract 】 Objective To explore the clinical effect of low concentration Levobupivacaine with Fentanyl on peridual anesthesia labor analegsia and its influence on labor course , parturient and Divided100volunteers into analgesia group and control uterine orifice was3-4cm , drug analgesia group on epidural dose %Levobupivacaine plus1ug/ml Fentanyl10-15ml , then increased dose gradually accord ˉ ing to labor course and the extent of pain of uterine control group , perineum block anesthesia was done on second stage of The analgesia effect of analgesia group was better than that of control group ( P< ) .There was no significant difference of parturient ’s vital sign and newborns ’ Apgar score between the two was no significant difference of sports ability , labor course between t