会计学 1 爬梯和楼梯Cargillladderstairway Slide 2 Application适用范围 Applies to all stairways and ladders used in construction, alteration repair (including painting and decorating), and demolition workplaces. In specific circumstances sets forth, when ladders and stairways are required to be provided. 爬梯与楼梯使用在建筑,维修(油漆和装饰)和拆除等情况, 当有要求提供爬梯与楼梯的特性说明时 Slide 3 50% of injuries associated with stairway and ladders result in lost work 50%的与爬梯和楼梯相关伤残事故导致无效工. Hazards危险性 Slide 4 There must be a stairway or ladder at points of access where there is an elevation break of 19 inches ( cm) or cm及以上的地方必须有爬梯或楼梯 General Requirements一般要求 Slide 5 General Requirements一般要求 No spiral stairs unless permanent part of structure 只有是永久性的建筑的一部分否则不使用旋转楼梯; Handrail located where tread reduces to <6“ ( cm) of tread cm的位置 Slide 6 Provide at least 2 ladders (or double-cleated) when ladders are the only means of access and 25 or more employees One point of access kept clear If access blocked second access provided General Requirements一般要求 当使用梯子的人数大于等于25人时必须有两把爬梯(或中间有隔断的单梯) 保持一个入口通畅 如果一个入口被堵塞,应使用第二个备用入口. Slide 7 General Requirements一般要求 Must protect workers from falls prior to installation of stair & ladder systems 在安装爬梯或楼梯前,必须进行跌落保护 Slide 8 Landings on temporary stairs must be at least 30 ( cm) inches long and 22 inches ( cm) wide for every 12 feet ( m) of vertical travel 临时使用的楼梯每隔垂直高度12 英尺 ( m) cm的平台. Stairways楼梯 Slide 9 Stairs installed between 30º and 50 º from horizontal 楼梯与水平面的夹角要控制在30º 到50 º之间; Must have uniform riser height and tread depth, with less than a 1/4-inch (.7 cm) variation 梯步的高度以及梯步板的深度应均匀一致,. Stairways楼梯 Slide 10 When doors open toward stairs must have platform with at least 20 clear inches ( cm) beyond swing of door 当门朝楼梯外开时, cm Stairways楼梯