新优品种 Vegetables 越夏茬春大棚网纹甜瓜品种比较试验 刘雪莹1,张 静2,祝 宁1,齐长红1,李 婷3* (,北京 102200;,北京 102206;,北京 100029) 摘要:为筛选出适宜在北京种植的越夏茬春大棚优质网纹甜瓜品种,选取6个品种的网纹甜瓜为试验材 料,记录其田间长势及果实品质的相关数据并进行比较分析。结果表明:6个参试品种田间长势及果实品质 均有显著差异,其中柏格的心糖、边糖最高,%、%,果肉较厚, cm,果实品质 最优秀。综合看来,柏格可进一步在北京地区越夏茬春大棚进一步推广栽培。 关键词:网纹甜瓜;品种;越夏;春大棚 Comparative Experiment of Netted Melon Cultivars in Spring Greenhouse on Over-summering LIU Xueying1, ZHANG Jing2, ZHU Ning1, QI Changhong1, LI Ting3* (1. Beijing Changping Agricultural Technology Extension Station, Beijing 102200, China; 2. Beijing University of Agriculture, Beijing 102206, China; 3. Beijing Agricultural Technology Extension Station, Beijing 100029, China) Abstract: In order to select high-quality netted melon cultivars suitable for planting in Beijing during summer, six cultivars of netted melon were selected as experimental materials, and their ▲eld growth and fruit quality were recorded and analyzed. The results showed that there were signi▲cant differences in the ▲eld growth and fruit quality among the six cultivars, and the 'Boge' had the highest heart sugar content and side