1845: The Holy Family
Karl Marx and Frederick Engels'
or Critique of Critical Criticism.
Against Bruno Bauer and Company.
"When I visited Marx in Paris in the
summer of 1844, our complete agreement
in all theoretical fields became evident and
our joint work dates from that time."
Frederick Engels
-fam/ (1 of 4) [23/08/2000 16:31:03]
1845: The Holy Family
During Engels' short stay in Paris in 1844, Marx suggested the two of
them should write a critique of the rage of their day, the Young
Hegelians. In the doing was born the first joint writing project
between the two men -- and a life-long association that would change
the world.
At the end of August, 1844, Engels passed through Paris, en route to
his employment in Manchester, England, from visiting his family in
Barmen (Germany). During 10 days in the French capital, he met
Marx (for the second time).
After talking, they began drawing up plans for a book about the
Young Hegelian trend of thought very popular in academic circles.
Agreeing to co-author the Foreword, they divided up the other
sections. Engels finished his assigned chapters before leaving Paris.
Marx had the larger share of work, and he completed it by the end of
November 1844. (Marx would draw from his Economic and
Philosophical Manuscripts, on which he'd been working the spring
and summer of 1844.)
The foremost title line -- "The Holy Family" -- was added at the
suggestion of the book publisher Lowenthal. It's
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