毕业设计(论文)-果实采摘机械手的设计与仿真.docx果实采摘机械手的设计与仿真 摘要:果实采摘工作具有较强的复杂性和较低的自动化程度,目前国内水果的采 摘工作主要靠手工完成。21世纪是农用机械化向智能自动化机械过渡的关键时期, 工业智能自动化对现代农业发展规模化、多样化和精确化十分重要。本文针对小 型柑橘进行采摘机械手的设计,实现果实的全程自动化采摘。 本文通过对果实采摘机械手的采摘环境和采摘特点进行分析,提出一种六自 由度小型柑橘采摘串联机械手。通过设计3种末端执行器机械结构,使得机械手具 有多用途作用,并将机械手与相关辅助装置相结合,实现整个柑橘果园采摘过程 的自动化。本论文基于SolidWorks,建立机构的三维模型与仿真分析。根据仿真与 试验的结果得出机械手具有良好的采摘性能。该机构解决了人们采摘高处果实难、 果实采摘工作量大和人工采摘具有一定危险性等缺点,实现了小型柑橘等多种果 实不受物理损伤的自动化采摘。 关键词:工业机器人;果实采摘机器人;机械手;运动学仿真; Design and simulation of fruit picking manipulator Abstract: Fruit picking work is full of a strong complexity and low degree of automation. Now, the harvest of fruit is mainly done by hand in China. The 21st century is the key period for the transition from agricultural mechanization to intelligent automation machinery, and industrial intelligent automation is very important for modem agricultural to develop large-scale, diversification and precision. In this paper, the design of picking manipulator for small citrus fruit is to realize the whole process of fruit picking. This paper analyzes the environment of picking and characteristics of the fruit picking manipulator, and puts forwards to a six-degree-of-freedom small citrus picking series manipulator. Through the design of three kinds of end executor mechanical structure, making the manipulator has the utility function, and combines the manipulator and the related aided device, realizing the automation of the whole process of citrus orchard. This paper is based on SolidWorks, which establishes the model of three-dimensional and simulation analysis of the mechanism. According to the results of simulation and experiment, the mechanical hand, we're sure that it has good picking performance. The agency has solved the fruit, fruit picking people picking high workload and artificial picking has some shortcomings, such as risk, realizing the small citrus and other fruit automatic picking is not subject to physical damage. Keywords: Industrial robot; Fruit picking robot; Manipulator; Kinematics simula