2 2 2 2 2 SEMICONDUCTOR OPTOELECTRONICS Vol. 30 No. 1 Feb. 2009 光电技术应用 基于红外光电传感器的智能车自动寻迹系统设计 高月华 ( 重庆科技学院机械工程系,重庆 400042) 摘要: 介绍了一种自动寻迹智能车的设计,研究了采用红外反射式光电传感器作为路径采 集模块实现自动寻迹的软硬件设计方法。系统采用 Freescale 16 位单片机 MC9S12D G128 为核心 控制器,利用 11 个红外光电传感器构成的光电传感器阵列采集路面信息,单片机获得传感器采集 的路面信息和车速信息,经过分析后控制智能车的舵机转向,同时对直流电机进行调速,从而实现 智能车沿给定的黑线快速平稳地行驶。介绍了光电传感器的寻迹原理,讨论了光电传感器排列方 法、布局、间隔等对寻迹结果的影响。 关键词: 光电传感器; 智能车; 寻迹; 路径识别 中图分类号: TP23 文献标识码: A 文章编号: 1001 - 5868 (2009) 01 - 0134 - 04 Design of Autonomous Tracing System in Intelligent Vehicle Based on Infrared Photoelectric Sensor GAO Yue hua ( College of Mechanical Engineering , Chongqing Science and Technology University , Chongqing 400042 , CHN) Abstract : A design of autonomous tracing system in intelligent vehicle is introduced. The software and hardware design method which realizes t he autonomous tracing using t he infrared reflective photoelectric sensors as t he path recognition module is researched. The system employs Freescale HCS series 16 bit single chip p uter MC9SD G128 as it s main controller and an array of photoelectric sensors for recognizing t he path information. Single chip p uter energizes t he servor to steer and control t he speed of t he DC electric motor according to t he analysis of the pat h and speed information from sensors. Consequently , t his intelligent vehicle can track