关键字:幽默言语;顺应论;情景喜剧;对比研究 -I- 黑龙江大学硕士学位论文 Abstract Humor, as a kind of linguistic phenomenon, it can be seen everywhere in life. At the beginning of 20th century, Chinese scholar, Lin Yutang, firstly brought in the word “humor” to China, and defined it in such a way as “humor is an artistic way to express personal idea and the real world.” That is to say, in communication, humor is not only the tool for people to entertain, but also arouses their further deeply thinking. Therefore, humor relates closely to pragmatics. Verschueren thinks, as a social act, the use of language should be closely related to such factors as society, culture and cognition in people’s life, pragmatics should do a comprehensive research on linguistic phenomenon from social, cultural and cognitive perspective, and the adaptation theory he proposed just caters to this need. The paper is in the framework of adaptation theory, choosing Chinese sitcom i Partment and American sitcom Friends as data for the present study, and contrasts and analyzes the humorous utterances of them by the means of data driven and the co