微种植钉支抗矫正对后牙锁牙合患者髁突形态及对称性的影响.doc微种植钉支抗矫正对后牙锁牙合患者髁突形态及对称性的影响[ 摘要] 目的:探讨微种植钉支抗矫正对后牙锁牙合患者髁突形态及对称性的影响。方法:收取 2014 年1月-2015 年1 月到我院就诊的 20例恒牙期安氏 I 类单侧后牙正锁牙合的患者, 20 例患者均采用微种植钉支抗矫正。采用颅颌面锥形束 CT 成像技术观察患者矫治前后髁突的变化,将各自正常对侧后牙作为对照, 进行比对研究。结果: 20 例后牙锁牙合患者矫治前的髁突高度、髁突表面积及髁突体积都高于正常对照后牙[( ± Vs ± ) mm、( ± Vs ± ) mm2 、( ± Vs ± ) mm3] ; 20 例后牙锁牙合患者矫治后的髁突高度( ± ) mm、髁突表面积( ± ) mm2 、髁突体积( ± ) mm3 都明显低于矫治前。与正常对照后牙比较,差异无统计学意义( P> ) 。结论:早期矫治可以有效改变髁突的形态,提高后牙的咬合度及对称性,值得临床推广应用。[ 关键词] 后牙正锁牙合;微种植钉支抗;髁突形态;对称性;正畸[ 中图分类号] [ 文献标志码]A[ 文章编号]1008-6455 ( 2015 ) 11-0071-03 Abstract : objective To explore the effects of micro-screw implant anchorage on condylar shape and symmetry in patients with posterior scissors-bite. Methods A total of 20 Class I uni lateral posterior scissors-bite patients visiting our hospital from January 2013 to February 2014 were included in this patients were given micro screw implant imaging was used to observe the changes in condylar before and after tre normal right lateral teeth were used as controls. Results The condylar height , condylar surface area and condylar volume of 20 case patients with posterior scissors-bite were higher than that normal controls before treatments[ ( ± Vs ± ) mm,( ± Vs ± ) mm2 ,( 14