第 1 页 共 pick wild herbs -- and to use dry locust-leaves for our kindling. ...today they are paying me a hundred thousand -- and all that i can bring to you is a temple sacrifice. 遣悲怀(之一) 元稹 谢公最小偏怜女, 自嫁黔娄百事乖。 顾我无衣搜荩箧, 泥他沽酒拔金钗。 野蔬充膳甘长藿, 落叶添薪仰古槐。 今日俸钱过十万, 与君营奠复营斋。 小学生简洁英文诗歌带翻译篇四 thoughts of old time at west fort mountain liu yuxi since wang jun brought his towering ships down from yizhou, the royal ghost has pined in the city of nanjing. ten thousand feet of iron chain were sunk here to the bottom --
and then came the flag of surrender on the wall of stone.... cycles of change have moved into the past, while still this mountain dignity has commanded the cold river; and now comes the day of the chinese world united, and the old forts fill with ruin and with autumn reeds. 西塞山怀古 刘禹锡 王浚楼船下益州, 金陵王气黯然收。 千寻铁锁沈江底, 一片降旛出石头。 人世几回伤往事, 山形照旧枕寒流。 从今四海为家日, 故垒萧萧芦荻秋。 小学生简洁英文诗歌带翻译篇五 on leaving guijiang again to xue and liu liu cha