关于短篇英瘴不开。 明朝望乡处, 应见陇头梅。 inscribed on the wall of an inn north of dayu mountain song zhiwen they say that wildgeese, flying southward, here turn back, this very month....
shall my own southward journey ever be retraced, i wonder? ...the river is pausing at ebb-tide, and the woods are thick with clinging mist -- but tomorrow morning, over the mountain, dawn will be white with the plum-trees of home. 关于短篇英文诗歌带翻译篇3 孤雁 崔涂 几行归塞尽, 片影独何之? 暮雨相呼失, 寒塘欲下迟。 渚云低暗渡, 关月冷相随。 未必逢矰缴, 孤飞自可疑。 a solitary wildgoose cui tu line after line has flown back over the border. where are you headed all by yourself? in the evening rain you call to them -- and slowly you alight on an icy pond. the low wet clouds move faster than you
along the wall toward the cold moon. ...if they caught you in a net or with a shot, would it be worse than flying alone? 关于短篇英文诗歌带翻译篇4 除夜有怀 崔涂 迢递三巴路, 羁危万里身。 乱山残雪夜,