Load SMT Material Solder paste “各 Model 丝印参数指示表”调整好所有 参数并运行确认前5pcs的印刷效果eader and engineer 作业员如实核对入库单每项 内容 3 The operator must checking all of item before store in warehouse 由拉长或工程师对检验 PASS的物料进行抽查 Ask engineer and line leader re-check the material 3 每次更新后对员工和拉长进行现场 培训和指导并跟进其执行效果 45 Engineer should implement training and follow up the result every times update QE 每次更新后对员工和拉长进 行现场培训和指导并跟进其 执行效果 Engineer should implement training and follow up the result every times update 5 2 3 30 5 检验员未按QI的每项要求执行检 验 the inspector not according to request of the WI inspect 3 60 拉长/主管师抽查并跟进检验效果 follow up and sampling check inspection result with leader and supervisor OQC Leader 检验员对检测仪 器的使用不熟练 或方法不当 usage unskilled and improper for Inspection 入库单错 |Input list wrong 误 判、批量不良 流出 5 misapprehend, batch quantity not good output 影响出货 |Influence shipment 拉长/主管师抽查并跟进检验 效果 follow up and sampling check inspection result with leader and supervisor 5 2 3 45 员工的培训不到位 training is not arrive 3 60 5 2 3 45 4 作业员疏忽 The operator careless 2 24 4 产品少数 客户投诉 Product quantity Customer not enough complaining 32. Pass finished goods to warehouse 4 The packing operator neglect packing 员工包装时仔细确认每箱的 数量 与仓管员双方确认 3 Careful confirmed each Checked by the both side quantity during operator operators packing 实行两人以上互检确认每箱 的数量 3 Define two people or above checking each other and confirm each one 产品工程师在设计包装箱时 先打样确认 2 PE must make and check a sample after design the packing 3 36 The operator careless 3 36 外箱和产品在搬 运过程中被撞坏 The outside box 包装箱超出板卡 and product are The packing box destroy by outruns pallet knocking during the period of transport 5 The packing box design is not good The packing box location not appropriate 5 产品叠放太高 影响搬运 The product folds Influence transfer too high 4 The operator doesn't know the request of packing box 装箱时检查确认 Checked the quantity of product when shipment . Visual Inspection to 现场