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(A ) rules? --We can't talk loudly in class.
are is is are
the students eat in class? --___.
,they do ,theyr doesn't givearerbad for his teeth,she
John has a very nice old man loves his grandson very much and sometimes he buys John some his mother lets him eat she wants to make the old man happy.
On Sunday evening,it is John's seventhays, “ please,God,make them give me a big box of
chocolates for my birthday." His mother says,“ God c
“ I know, " says the clever boy with a smile." But gi
(T )'s mother thinks chocolates are bad for John's teeth.
(F ) John's mother lets him eat chocolates because John studies hard.
(F ) shouts because God can hear him.
(T) is a clever boy.
(T) is John's seventh birthday.
一、Write the English words according to the explanation.
exam the act of testing pupastest.
delicious highly pleasing to the senses; smel [very nice.
expensive not cheap, dear.
discuss — consider or examine by argument.
vacation a period of suspension of regular work, study.
二、Fill in the blanks with the right form of the given words.
the beginning of the year, I met him.(begin)
you for reading the letter for me.(read)
pizza with olives and pepper—is-just .5.(be)
went to play football yesterday.(go)
would like to tell you something about my school.(tell)
likes playing soccer with his father.(like,play)
had a lot of fun _swimming in the river.(swim)
's sing the ABC song.(sing)
I have something to drink?(have)
about going to the park?(go)
you want to be a basketball player,you should practice _playing more.(play)
12. what should we do to make the roads safenak^
三、Change these sentences into English.
1你的朋友昨天做了什 么?他去颐和园了。
What did your friend do yesterday?
He went to the Summer Palace
Did he go to the movies just now?
Yes, he~did .
They had a party last Sunday.
They had a good
How was your May Day holidays?
Great, my family went to the beaches

初一英语难题 来自淘豆网m.daumloan.com转载请标明出处.

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  • 页数14
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  • 上传人cby201601
  • 文件大小36 KB
  • 时间2022-03-18