项脊轩, 旧南阁子也。室仅方丈, 可容一人居。百年老屋, 尘泥渗漉, 雨泽下注; 每移案,顾视无可置者。又北向,不能得日,日过午已昏。余稍为修葺,使不上漏。前辟四窗, 垣墙周庭,以当南日,日影反照,室始洞然。又杂植兰桂竹木于庭,旧时栏楯,亦遂增胜。借书满架, 偃仰啸歌, 冥然兀坐, 万籁有声; 而庭阶寂寂, 小鸟时来啄食, 人至不去。三五之夜,明月半墙,桂影斑驳,风移影动,珊珊可爱。项脊轩, 是过去的南阁子。屋里仅仅一丈见方, 只可容纳一个人居住。这是已有上百年的老屋子,( 屋顶墙上的) 泥土从上边漏下来, 雨水也往下流; 每当移动书桌时, 左看右看没有可以安放的地方。又朝北,不能照到阳光,天一过中午就已经昏暗。我稍稍修理了一下, 使它不从上面漏土漏雨。前面开了四扇窗子, 院子四周砌上围墙, 用来挡住南面射来的日光, 日光反照,室内才明亮起来。又在庭院里错杂地种上兰花、桂树、竹子等,往日的栏杆,也就增加了新的光彩。借来的书籍摆满书架, 我安居室内, 长啸高歌, 有时又静静地独自端坐, 听到自然界各种各样的声音;庭院、阶前却静悄悄的,小鸟不时飞下来啄食。十五的夜晚, 明月高悬,照亮半截墙壁,桂树的影子交杂错落,微风吹来,花影摇动,美丽可爱。 The Hsiang-chi Belvedere was formerly called the Southern Pavilion. It was less than twelve feet square, just the size for one person to live in. An old shed about a hundred years in age, it was rated by dust and dirt, and when it rained, water would seep in. I used to try to relocate the desk and yet, looking around, could not find a dry spot for it. Also, the room faced north and therefore did not get any sunshine; as soon as noontime passed, it would grow dark inside. I made a few repairs. First I stopped the leak in the ceiling, installed four windows in the front, and had a wall facing the sun in the south built around the courtyard. Now the sunshine is reflected into the room from the wall, brightening the room. I also planted in the courtyard orchid, cassia, bamboo, and some trees, which enhance the grace of the old balustrades and thresholds. Then I fi
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