36 实用医院临床杂志2022年3月第19卷第2期 经尿道膀胱肿瘤电切术a local group ( n = 45) , an intravenous group ( n = 34) , and a combined group ( n = 44) according to the different routes of postoperative hemostatic drug administration. The changes of coagulation function indexes, time of urine clearing, time with urinary catheter, time of bladder irrigation, visual analog pain score of lower abdomen after 24 hours of operation, symptom score of bladder spasm, decrease value of hemoglobin ( Hb) , and incidence of complications were compared a mong the three groups. Results The time with urinary catheter, postoperative bladder irrigation time, postoperative bladder spasm symptom score after 24 hours of operation , and postoperative Hb drop value were significantly shorter or lower in the combined group than those in the intravenous and the local groups ( P<) . The incidence of postoperative complications was not statistically different among the three groups ( P>). Conclusion After TURBT, intravenous use of hemocoagulase agkistrodon with local use of hemo coagulase bothrops atrox can reduce the postoperative bleeding, shorten the time of catheterization and postoperative bladder irrigation time, and relieve the pain in the lower abdomen. It does not increase the incidence of complications. Thus, i